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my website can not be viewed in firefox. help
do I select them from my local browser and drag them into the index_file folder in the ftp server?

because I have alot of photos which are just in my main folder with all my page files.
Apparently you are using Internet Explorer as your ftp client, which I have done before, but there are more realist ways to do this, But, You do need to drag and drop the images that are in /index_files/ on your computer to /index_files on the ftp server.
This should upload the files and, if this was the problem, it should display your images.

What might have been doing, is the images were loading off your computer, and hence, you thought it was working, but for everyone else on the internet, they get X's....

Dr Small
Well, if all the correct images are uploaded, the images should be displayed on your website, which they still are not doing so.

The only image that appears to be uploaded and working, it this one:

Have you checked inside of /index_files to make sure all of your image files DID upload?
yes they are all there.

i just went to and some of the pictures are showing but no words they way they are ment to

my pictures are still in the wwwroot folder. do they need to be deleted from there of left there?
What I think it is, is that Frontpage (i guess that's the WYSIWYG editor you're using) creates a new /page_files folder for each .htm file you create. Then you have to upload the contents of that folder to that on the web, in order for it to work.

I know if I coded it myself, I could get it to work, but I don't know the address of the images you want to be displayed and all, so it would make my task near to impossible, for me.

Dr Small
hmmm, thanks for you help anyway.

I will just have to be content with IE users.
Yeah, I think it's FrontPage. Frontpage messes everything up all the time, that's why I use Nvu! Smile
Nvu? can this be downloaded for free or does it need to be purchased?

I found it where it can be downloaded. is it very easy to transfer my data over from FP or do I have to rewrite everything
Please explain further, I don't understand the question..
don't worry I have sorted it out.

it is going to take a bit of work to get all my web pages into this new programme. But I think I am working it out now.

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