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Sorry Guys
Sorry guys but I am going on Holiday for two weeks Thumbsup which means I wont be active on here for two weeks Bebe-pleure

I apologize for my absence but I have nearly finished my military training and I've finished all my exams and school all together and this is just going to be a break for me and my family to enjoy. I need a rest Gratte

I apologize if I miss out any important topics, especially within emotional support and I will try and answer as much as I can when I return.

I will put the away message in my online status when I officially leave around lunchtime (UK time) on Saturday.

Hope you guys enjoy your summer and I will see you in two weeks time
Pirate Pirate

~ Sam ~

If you were wandering I am going to Greece on a flotilla. It involves, water skiing, wing surfing, sailing, ringos (being pulled along by speed boats in giant rubber rings), jet skiing., much much more...

The first week is all above and the second week is we have a 40ft yaught to ourselves for a week and we sale around all the Greek islands and spend a day on each one.
It is nice of you to keep us informed. Sounds like an awesome holiday to have!
Awesome, Have fun Big Grin

Thanks guys I'll keep you guys in mind Big Grin
Ya I also hope you have a lot of fun!

Sounds awesom!
[Image: iAHg.png]
I sound like Morgan Freeman
Wow, have fun. And once again, congrats on joining the military and doing what you wanted.
Hell, I wish I could have a vacation... sure you don't wanna swap for 40 hours a week?
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
You don't have to apologize for going on vacation. Have a great time.
I know this is a little late but I hope you enjoy yourself. Everybody deserves a break once in a while. I'm going on vacation in August but I'll only be gone for a week or so.
[Image: 3326yvl.jpg]

Have a nice time. Smile

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