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Using Linux Terminal
Using The Linux Terminal

Hello and welcome to my first tutorial on using the linux terminal. This tutorial will just say something about using the terminal and other basic information. So let us begin!

Getting Started
First off lets open up the terminal, if you dont know where it is it is at
Now that it is open you will see something that has your Username@ComputerName:~!
First part is the Username, and the second part is the name of the computer.
After that you see this " ~ " this key stands for Home. As in the Home directory.
Then the final symbol you see is " $ " this stands for what permission you have. Its means your not a root user.
You can temporarily recieve root permissions by typing
Quote:sudo bash
Into the terminal and hitting enter.
Your not automatically made root user because its Ubuntu's way of keeping you safe.

Now onto commands!

Ok here are some commands that you can use, i also added a definition to each.

Quote:Sudo apt-get update
Updates the repositiroies

Quote:Sudo apt-get install (Insert Program Name)
Will Install the package, like Compiz Fusion (thats not the name to use tho)
It installs the files from the repositories

Quote:Sudo apt-get upgrade
Will upgrade your computer

Quote:Sudo apt-get remove (Program Name)
This will remove a program

Will list all files/folders in the current directory. Like if you ls in the home directory it will come up with.
[Image: Screenshot-3.png]
Shows current directory

Quote:Cd (path)
This moves the terminal to the specified directory.
Starts here-
[Image: Screenshot-1-2.png]
Moves here-
[Image: Screenshot-2-1.png]

Quote:Cd ..
Moves you up one directory

Quote:Cp (file) (directory)
This just copies a file into a directory. Like cp love.txt Pictures That would copy the file love.txt into the directory Pictures.

Moves things

Displays File space usage
Displays memory usage

Displays Command History

Stop process from running

Find files

Creates a directory

Remove file

Remove directory

That is all for now =D
I suppose all these tutorials are all copy&paste? It would be much more honourable and helpful to post original content.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
These are actually all mine...

I made all these and I just copy and pasted from sites where I had them.
(06-29-2010, 12:17 PM)Minus-Zero Wrote: These are actually all mine...

I made all these and I just copy and pasted from sites where I had them.
That's what I meant... my statement still stands. Not to say they are not quality, it really kind of diminished the authenticity of the site.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
Well should I remake my own tutorials and guides just to post here?

It's not a big deal, I'm sure there is a lot of them around.
(06-29-2010, 12:37 PM)Minus-Zero Wrote: Well should I remake my own tutorials and guides just to post here?

It's not a big deal, I'm sure there is a lot of them around.
That's what I mean. There is. And it's really agitating. But cheers. I've made my point.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.

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