05-08-2010, 06:28 AM
(05-06-2010, 08:25 PM)--([-S7N-])-- Wrote: Add a list of names.
Code:* Advanced Cleaner
* AKM Antivirus 2010 Pro
* AlfaCleaner
* Alpha AntiVirus
* ANG Antivirus (knock-off of AVG Anti-virus)
* Antimalware Doctor
* AntiSpyCheck 2.1
* AntiSpyStorm
* AntiSpyware 2009
* Antispyware 2010
* AntiSpyware Soft
* Antivirus 7
* Antivirus Soft
* Antivirus Suite
* Antivirus System PRO
* AntiSpyware Bot from 2Squared Software
* AntiSpywareExpert[34]
* AntiSpywareMaster[35]
* AntiSpywareSuite[36]
* AntiSpyware Shield[37]
* Antivermins[38]
* Antivirus 2008[39]
* Antivirus 2009[40]
* Antivirus XP 2010[41]
* Antivirus 2010 (also known as Anti-virus-1)[42],[43]
* Antivirus 360[44]
* Antivirus Pro 2009[45]
* AntiVirus Gold [46]
* Antivirus Live[47],[48]
* Antivirus Master[49]
* Antivirus XP 2008[50]
* Antivirus Pro 2010[51]
* Avatod Antispyware 8.0[52]
* Awola[53]
* BestsellerAntivirus[54]
* Cleanator[55]
* ContraVirus[56]
* Control Center[57]
* Cyber Security[58]
* Doctor Antivirus[59]
* Doctor Antivirus 2008[60]
* DriveCleaner[61]
* Dr Guard[62]
* EasySpywareCleaner[63]
* eco AntiVirus
* Errorsafe[64]
* ErrorSmart
* Flu Shot 4[65][66] (probably the earliest well-known instance of rogue security software)
* Green Antivirus 2009[67]
* IE Antivirus (aka IE Antivirus 3.2)[68]
* IEDefender[69]
* InfeStop[70]
* Internet Antivirus (aka Internet Antivirus Pro, distributed by plus4scan.com)[71]
* Internet Security 2010[72],[73]
* KVMSecure[74]
* Live PC Care[75]
* MacSweeper[76]
* MalwareCrush[77]
* MalwareCore[78]
* MalwareAlarm[79]
* Malware Bell (a.k.a. Malware Bell 3.2)[80]
* Malware Defender (not to be confused with the HIPS firewall of the same name)[81]
* Malware Defense
* MS Antivirus (not to be confused with Microsoft Antivirus or Microsoft Security Essentials)[82]
* MS AntiSpyware 2009 (not to be confused with Microsoft AntiSpyware, now Windows Defender)[83]
* MaxAntiSpy[84]
* My Security Wall
* MxOne Antivirus[85]
* Netcom3 Cleaner[86]
* Paladin Antivirus
* PCSecureSystem[87]
* PC Antispy[88]
* PC AntiSpyWare 2010[89]
* PC Clean Pro[90]
* PC Privacy Cleaner[91]
* PerfectCleaner[92]
* Perfect Defender 2009[93]
* PersonalAntiSpy Free[94]
* Personal Antivirus[95]
* Personal Security[96]
* PAL Spyware Remover[97]
* PCPrivacy Tools[98]
* PC Antispyware[99]
* PSGuard[100]
* Privacy Center
* Rapid AntiVirus[101]
* Real AntiVirus[102]
* Registry Great[103]
* Safety Alerter 2006[104]
* Safety Center
* SafetyKeeper[105]
* SaliarAR[106]
* SecureFighter[107]
* SecurePCCleaner[108]
* SecureVeteran[109]
* Security Scan 2009 [110]
* Security Tool [111]
* Security Toolbar 7.1[112]
* SiteAdware
* Security Essentials 2010 (not to be confused with Microsoft Security Essentials)[113]
* Smart Antivirus 2009[114]
* Soft Soldier[115]
* SpyAxe[116]
* Spy Away[117]
* SpyCrush[118]
* Spydawn
* SpyGuarder
* SpyHeal (a.k.a SpyHeals & VirusHeal)
* SpyMarshal
* Spylocked
* SpySheriff (a.k.a PestTrap, BraveSentry, SpyTrooper)
* SpySpotter
* SpywareBot (Spybot - Search & Destroy knockoff, Now known as SpywareSTOP).
* Spyware Cleaner
* SpywareGuard 2008 (not to be confused with SpywareGuard by Javacool Software)[128]
* Spyware Protect 2009
* SpywareQuake
* SpywareSheriff (often confused with SpySheriff)
* Spyware Stormer
* Spy Tool
* Spyware Striker Pro
* Spyware Protect 2009
* SpywareStrike
* SpyRid
* SpyWiper
* SysGuard
* System Antivirus 2008
* System Live Protect
* SystemDoctor
* System Security
* Total Secure 2009
* Total Security
* Total Win 7 Security
* Total Win XP Security
* Total Win Vista Security
* TrustedAntivirus
* TheSpyBot (Spybot - Search & Destroy knockoff)
* UltimateCleaner
* VirusHeat
* VirusIsolator
* Virus Locker
* VirusProtectPro (a.k.a AntiVirGear)
* VirusRemover2008
* VirusRemover2009
* VirusMelt
* VirusRanger
* Virus Response Lab 2009
* VirusTrigger
* Vista Antispyware 201
* Vista Antivirus 2008
* Vista Internet Security 2010
* Vista Smart Security 2010
* Volcano Security Suite
* Win 7 Antivirus 2010
* WinAntiVirus Pro 2006
* WinDefender (not to be confused with the legitimate Windows Defender)
* Windows Police Pro
* Windows Protection Suite
* WinFixer
* WinHound
* Winpc Antivirus
* Winpc Defender
* WinSpywareProtect
* WinWeb Security 2008
* WorldAntiSpy
* XP AntiMalware
* XP AntiMalware 2010
* XP AntiSpyware 2009
* XP AntiSpyware 2010
* XP Antivirus 2010
* XP Antivirus Pro 2010
* XP Defender Pro
* XP Internet Security
* XP Security Tool (not to be confused with Security Tool.)
* XP-Shield
* Your Protection
* Zinaps AntiSpyware
Disregard the numbers in the []'s. Taken from Wikipedia.
A list can also be found here: http://www.spywarewarrior.com/rogue_anti-spyware.htm
Nice find! Thanks for the share.