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[TuT] Bootcamp
There is no real tutorial for Bootcamp, it's simple:

1) Enter Windows Disk
2) Load Bootcamp
3) Select Install Windows
4) Select the size of the partiton
(Windows XP min 5GB, Vista 20GB = And thats the space the system takes alone)
5) Let bootcamp partition the Harddrive
6) It should tell you to boot into disk [or it will do it itself]
7) Select the partition called 'Bootcamp' when asked where to install Windows
8) Voila, Your Windows is installing
9) When done, boot to windows
10) Download the most recent drivers for selected Windows Version
11) Install the Drivers
12) Your Done, you have fully functioning Windows on your Mac via Bootcamp

Common Mistakes:
* Making the partition too small. You can't make it bigger later!
* Selecting the wrong partition when installing Windows [and wiping Apple Os]

Hope you like the Tut Smile
You could expand the partition though using a live cd partition manager? Am i correct?
Not very speific

1. Open Applications>Utilities then Bootcamp assistant
2. Press Continue
3. Select your partition size. You can use FAT32 for Windows XP which allows for easy transfer of files between XP and OSX. Must be udner 32GB though
4. Let the partition do its work
5. It will ask for a disk to reboot and start the installation
6. The machine should automatically reboot and start the installation as long as there is a disk in the drive. If it doesn't start the installation restart and hold Option on the keyboard then select the Install disk.
7a. Windows 7/Vista: Click next with your install language selected. Click install now. Accept the license terms. Click Custom Installation. Select the bootcamp partition you just created and hit format. Select it again ad click Next. Fill in your information when it is done installing.
7b. Windows XP: Press Enter. Accept the license terms. You will see your Bootcamp partition show up. Select it and hit enter. Now you can choose FAT32 for the easy transfer method (Preferable) as you can drag files from OSX to the Windows Partition. Let it copy files/ install them. When the regional and language settings come up select your language and click next. Enter your name/organization. Tye in your product key when it asks for it. Choose a computer name and admin password if you desire. Set your time and date when need be. Leave the "Typical Settings" when the network setup appears. Change the workgroup if desired. The machine will restart and at sometimes tell you it is going to adjust the screen display settings. Run through the configuration with user names and standard network settings and automatic updates if desired.

8. When Windows starts you must insert your Mac Disk. You want the Operating system disk, not the applications disk. It will bring up an installer. let it go through and install all of the drivers.

After that, you are done.
Thanks for the above tut, I did one off the top of my head ;)

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