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Are you smart but lazy?
Unfortunately yes, TBH i want them to bump me up, im tired of learning the same crap every year
when you get into collage, at least you will know not to be lazy. hope you don't screw up your life
Yes. Especially on Mondays.

I'm so lazy on Mondays, I don't even want to get out of bed, never mind go to school and do some work.
[Image: jpke28.jpg]
I actually can't wait for Iron Man 2.
i've never done good in school, i can pass any test given too me, but i didn't do any work at all so i failed all the way to junior year and then dropped out because no way i was going to get my diploma at that rate. i have my G.E.D now and still plan on going to college =)
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Man yes, I am really lazy on projects or big work assignments, that's really it. On small assignments that won't take nothing but 30 minutes to do, I will do. But projects ugh, I hate them.
I am in your boots, mate.
This is diffenatly an issue of mine.

Always had good grades then got to the point where my mentality was like "fudge this school to many dimwit passing why not just go for c's and have more "me" time" well that became "need more me time let just maintain a -d- thats passing". Pretty soon I had my first f on my report card and from there its been hard to get out of this "Run to the computer and check updates" crap. I think it has a lot to do with my using the computer as an escape from everything..IE- Bullys
Yes, i quit school and started being home schooled, because i didn't want to try and get good grades even though i knew straight A's would be extremely easy.

[Image: gfxbanner.png]
I'm in exactly the same situation you are.
I am very lazy, yet highly intelligent.
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