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Chat to this girl i like's sister
So here's some background, i like my friends sister and my friend messages me because she couldn't take her sister to the movies that night so here it is..

Jen: hey sorry to ruin your night...
Bryce: don't worry about it, ive had a really good day today...
Jen: ok i still feel bad
Bryce: its ok jen, no worries. The'll be other days
Jen: yeah i know
Bryce: look to be honest jen.. i just wanna spend some time with your sis and i know its kinda weird. Ive known you for a long time. So i know its akward but i just wanna get to know her more... And im not about to put your sis through any stuff i have gone through. I hope you understand
Jen: yeah i understand and i dont have a problem u liking my sis so dont worry
Bryce: thanks jen i appreciate it and ive heard about some stuff u gone through yourself so if you ever need someone to talk to just like my bro im here for you
Jen: stuff like what?
Bryce: almost getting kicked out of your house
Jen: oh yeah that stuff lol
Bryce: lol , well ya ive done some stupid crap myself.. So i understand
Jen: I gtg see ya later
Bryce: Cya jen have a good night

I really like her sister so its seems like everything is working out i couldn't be more happy
Is this conversation face-to-face or not? Logically this seems to be a "no". Anyway, if you did/do get to talk to your friend face-to-face, check her outward, bodily expressions - you should know if she is truly alright with it or not since she's your very close friend (so it seems).
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
No this was via msn messenger and thats some good advice, ill prolly talk to her in person about it as well
LOL wtf.

It seems like u got her.
Ya man seems like things are finally going my way
good luck 4 that..
As of right now things are going great, in really diggin this girl so will just see what happens
Any update? I know it's been only 2 days, but I'm excited for you. Good thing the sibling is okay with it.. that always helps ^^
That sounds exciting
(03-29-2010, 01:03 AM)Elektrisk Wrote: Any update? I know it's been only 2 days, but I'm excited for you. Good thing the sibling is okay with it.. that always helps ^^
so here's an update. We been talking since last rme I saw her which was on Friday. Nothing happened I didn't kiss her, just didn't feel like the right moment. Anyways we've txted back and foruth, I asked her why's she intrested in me today she said "because your funny, ur cute, and mainly cause you like me for me not for other things" day go on still text and say when do you got a free day this week she said Friday and It was dissapoijting wanted to see her in person b4 than and she told me she was sorry and had to goto dinner. Never heard back after that today... Just gonna brush it off I know she's got 2 softball games tomorrow so prolly won't hear from her than either idk I like her a lot just wish I could see her more

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