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Is world ends in 2012?
(12-26-2009, 02:23 AM)Ganjafreak Wrote: People who think this are ignorant. Proven fact, the world's largest advant calendar runs out in 2012 that is why people think were all going to die. The world will not end then as it is suspected to end one day in the future that no one knows but 2010 they will just make another calendar and then when that calander runs out someone will say omg where going to die - this is vagualy pathetic

So true...Very well put.
NASA Claims Sun's Polar Shift Due In 2012

The Sun's magnetic north pole, which was in the northern hemisphere just a few months ago, now points south.

It's a topsy-turvy situation, but not an unexpected one.

"This always happens around the time of solar maximum," says David Hathaway, a solar physicist at the Marshall Space Flight Center. "The magnetic poles exchange places at the peak of the sunspot cycle. In fact, it's a good indication that Solar Max is really here."

The Sun's magnetic poles will remain as they are now, with the north magnetic pole pointing through the Sun's southern hemisphere, until the year 2012 when

Above: Sunspot counts, plotted here against an x-ray image of the Sun, are nearing their maximum for the current solar cycle. [more information]

they will reverse again.

This transition happens, as far as we know, at the peak of every 11-year sunspot cycle - like clockwork.

Earth’s magnetic field also flips, but with less regularity. Consecutive reversals are spaced 5 thousand years to 50 million years apart.

The last reversal happened 740,000 years ago. Some researchers think our planet is overdue for another one, but nobody knows exactly when the next reversal might occur.

[Image: ciencia_sol08_02.gif]

The Sun's basic magnetic field, like Earth's, resembles that of a bar magnet.

Although solar and terrestrial magnetic fields behave differently, they do have something in common: their shape.

During solar minimum the Sun's field, like Earth's, resembles that of an iron bar magnet, with great closed loops near the equator and open field lines near the poles. Scientists call such a field a "dipole."

The Sun's dipolar field is about as strong as a refrigerator magnet, or 50 gauss (a unit of magnetic intensity). Earth's magnetic field is 100 times weaker.

When solar maximum arrives and sunspots pepper the face of the Sun, our star's magnetic field begins to change.

Sunspots are places where intense magnetic loops - hundreds of times stronger than the ambient dipole field - poke through the photosphere.

"Meridional flows on the Sun's surface carry magnetic fields from mid-latitude sunspots to the Sun's poles," explains Hathaway. "The poles end up flipping because these flows transport south-pointing magnetic flux to the north magnetic pole, and north-pointing flux to the south magnetic pole."

The dipole field steadily weakens as oppositely-directed flux accumulates at the Sun's poles until, at the height of solar maximum, the magnetic poles change polarity and begin to grow in a new direction.

Hathaway noticed the latest polar reversal in a "magnetic butterfly diagram." Using data collected by astronomers at the U.S. National Solar Observatory on Kitt Peak, he plotted the Sun's average magnetic field, day by day, as a function of solar latitude and time from 1975 through the present.

The result is a sort of strip chart recording that reveals evolving magnetic patterns on the Sun's surface.

"We call it a butterfly diagram," he says, "because sunspots make a pattern in this plot that looks like the wings of a butterfly."

In the butterfly diagram, pictured below, the Sun's polar fields appear as strips of uniform color near 90 degrees latitude. When the colors change (in this case from blue to yellow or vice versa) it means the polar fields have switched signs.
There are some religious calenders that end in 2012. There are some changes that might happen to the sun etc too, but I don't believe a word of it. The world will not end in 2012 and that's final. And I think the movie "2012" just added to this fiction. The world didn't end in 2000 did it? It's the same thing with the Y2K, only this time it's calenders.
I honestly don't believe that it will end in 2012, but It'll be entertaining to watch people panic. In a joking manor, this is how I feel about 2012 and the end, "Pics or it didn't happen".
[Image: b7yj2x.png]
Your mom will end in 2012
I bet you $500 the world won't end in 2012. Come to think of it, I bet you a million dollars the world won't end within my lifetime, or my children's lifetime, or their children's lifetime.
MyBB Support team member.
[Image: smallsig.png]
i hope it happens soon this world sux!!! with a a a a a large amnt of morons!
Everything has an end. Even stars in the universe collapse when they lose out energy in their core. Also, suns lose out their power of light and energy after millions of years and then die. So our planet is like suns and stars, there will be an end.
But no one knows when! Just no one.
(03-13-2010, 08:58 PM)Slankey Wrote: Your mom will end in 2012
Stop being childish, this is not the place.
10 reasons why the world won't get destroyed in 2012. From an advertisement mail sent to me.
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Games: Terrantula
Apps: Mathanasis, ColorGrabber

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