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[SOLVED]Referenced before assignment?
I am working on a Tkinter calculator, and I decided to add memory buttons. The M+ button adds to the memory, and M is supposed to fill the result box with the memory. I added a print statement after M+, so that once it is clicked, I confirm that the mem variable has value, yet it still gives me an error saying mem was referenced before assignment. Here is the part of the source giving me trouble:
elif key == 'M+':
    mem = result.get()
    print mem
    result.delete(0, END)
elif key == 'M':
    result.insert(END, mem)
And here is the full source.
from Tkinter import *

class calc(Frame):
    def __init__(self):
        global result
        top = Tk()
        top.title('UberCalc v2.0')
        result = Entry()
        buttons = ['M+', 'M', '+/-', '1', '2', '3','4', '5', '6','7', '8', '9','.', '0', 'Clear']
        operbtn = ['-','+', '*','/', '=']
        ro = 1
        col = 0
        for x in buttons:
            action = lambda y=x: onclick(y)
            Button(self, text=x, width=5, relief='ridge', command=action).grid(row=ro, column=col)
            col += 1
            if col > 2:
                col = 0
                ro += 1
        col = 4
        ro = 1
        for x in operbtn:
            action = lambda y=x:onclick(y)
            Button(self, text=x, width=5, relief='ridge', command=action).grid(row=ro, column=col)
            ro += 1

        def onclick(key):
            global result
            if key == '=':
                    fetch = result.get()
                    answer = eval(fetch)
                    result.delete(0, END)
                    result.insert(0, answer)
                    result.delete(0,  END)
                    result.insert(0,  'Do not divide by zero please')
                    result.delete(0,  END)
                    result.insert(0,  '0')
            elif key == 'Clear':
                result.delete(0, END)
            elif key == 'M+':
                mem = result.get()
                result.delete(0, END)
            elif key == 'M':
                result.insert(END, mem)
            elif key == '+/-':
                if result.get()[0] == '-':
                    result.insert(0, '-')
                result.insert(END, key)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    window = calc()
And finally, here is the error message:
Python Wrote:Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:\Python26\lib\lib-tk\", line 1410, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File "F:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Coding\Python\My Projects\Under Development\GUI\", line 16, in <lambda>
action = lambda y=x: onclick(y)
File "F:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Coding\Python\My Projects\Under Development\GUI\", line 49, in onclick
result.insert(END, mem)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'mem' referenced before assignment
If anyone could lend some assistance I would be very grateful Blackhat
I have solved the problem, I simply added
mem = ''
at the top of the script and then in my click function I added:
global mem
And it seems to work, view the completed source, look here
[Image: izsyo6.jpg]

yeah, because if key equaled M+ "mem" would be initalized, however if M was hit first, you would run into problems, etc.
[Image: nv70ad.png]
Terrorcore, unleash, extermination
Hyper real, cold blood, determination
fudge them, I like this sensation
Incredible, I from the annihilation

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