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a clean urine test report would prove that your wife is drug free.
Hey I'm from Australia, I did legal studies for two years.

From what I can tell from your story they have recorded that your wife was a drug addict.
::NOTE:: Defamation cases are notoriously difficult to win.

So for a defamation case to be even slightly successful you need to make sure that:
- they have made personal comments that directly relate to your wife
- they are untrue or inaccurate
- they are in some way offensive
- effect her public image

Now for a slanderous case you need:
- a witness
- evidence of what had been said

For a libel case you need:
- record of what had been written

Most of these cases are for publications like newspapers, magazines etc. and effect a public figure politicians, actors etc. These occur often because they can claim loss of profit, business etc due to public opinion etc.

So because the medical records are private and confidential I don't know how successful you would be in wining anything other than amendments being made to those records.

Personally I really wouldn't bother, speak to the hospital and ask them to change the records because of their inaccuracy. I'm 100% sure they will oblige since it can easily be proven to be false and its a lot cheaper than court. That clears your wife's name you and your wife get an apology.

Although it would be nice to go out there and kick same ass and teach em' whats what, it really expensive, time consuming and yields little reward. I hope I helped and good luck to you and your wife.
I think "DAMINK" has retired, so you probably typed all that for nothing. Could be wrong, he may return.

I would recommend seeking the advice of an attorney. At least in the US, initial consultations are either free or can be found for a nominal fee.

A simple attorney's letter to the hospital might be sufficient to get it removed, and would cost very little.
[Image: MajorDav3.png]
The media is your friend, they'll eat this crap up.

Best of luck to you & your wife, I hope justice is served.

[Image: 73gfi8.jpg]
I would sue and inform the media, and try to get those notes removed as soon as possible. Looks bad on a resume, if they dig deep enough.
Get some legal advice before doing anything else.
That is a really bad thing to do. It can deface a persons record in their life and give them a bad name. I recommend you do something and start pressing charges if you are sure this is correct. No way something like that should be happening. Also, on the media involve Supportforums, it will give it even more popularity. That is just my suggestion no need to. Tongue
I wouldn't be affirmative as to make such a statement that your wife would never do that. Some people do a very good job at hiding things and at times, even when you think you know someone, they still have deep dark secrets.

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