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Meaning of Your Name
What is the meaning of your name and where why/where/what did/made you get it? Make sure to use as much detail as possible... and when you post it, I'll coalesce it into the thread. Oui

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
Carnage, the slaughter of a great number of people, as in battle; butchery; massacre and Origin:
1590–1600; < MF < It carnaggio < ML carnāticum payment or offering in meat, equiv. to L carn- (s. of carō) flesh + -āticum -age
[Image: 29ol3br.png]
Mine, was a great man. Whose words are more then just so. You can make a better definition Roflmao
Treblez - Trebles spelled with z so it looks cooler Tongue I chose it because I like bass and treble and listening to loud music on bigass speakers. Thats the 5th or 6th username I pick in here and I hope I stay with this longer lol.
Verum quaere et insaniam inveni
ccalby = Conor Calby = My Name Smile Tongue
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I've had a few because i get bored and like change, life is about change..


A flatline is an electrical time sequence measurement that shows no activity and therefore when represented, shows a flat line instead of a moving one. It almost always refers to either a flatlined electrocardiogram, where the heart shows no electrical activity (asystole), or to a flat electroencephalogram, in which the brain shows no electrical activity (brain death). Both of these specific cases are involved in various definitions of death.


I basically just like the name, read the wiki if...


Agent, an AI program in the Matrix programmed to keep order within the system by terminating troublesome programs and human avatars which would otherwise bring instability to the simulated reality. To this end, Smith possesses the ability to take control over the simulated body of any human wired into the Matrix. As an Agent, Smith is able to bend the rules of the Matrix (such as gravity and the limitations of the human body), giving him speed and strength beyond ordinary human capability. He and other Agents can dodge bullets flawlessly, punch through concrete with their bare hands, and jump impossible distances. Agents also have the ability to communicate with each other instantaneously and perceive what other humans wired into the Matrix do.


Clingwrap, is a thin plastic film typically used for sealing food items in containers to keep them fresh over a longer period of time. Plastic wrap, typically sold on rolls in boxes with a cutting edge, clings to many smooth surfaces and can thus remain tight over the opening of a container without adhesive or other devices

I've only had this one, it is my name but 1337 style.
My name refers to the addiction of Fentanyl.
DevilSon - Son of the devil - my name is damion i was named after the film (the omen) my birth date has 3 3's in it, i just thought it went well.

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