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Got pinched by COPS!
Ok riding my bike from work and crossing an intersection and decided to hang a wheelie. No biggy i do it everywhere.
Anyhow it turns out a cop was somewhere around as he saw me lol.
Now it also turns out my registration had recently expired on my bike Yeye
Oops on my part about the reg but been busy with new babies and clean forgot.
Anyway i was riding a little hard i guess and it took them about 3 kms to catch up to me lolol i did not even see them. So i had pending speeding charges also.
Now if you live in Australia you will know there getting pretty serious about Hoon Laws as there so called.
This can allow the cops to seize your ride or drive and impound it.
Well when he pulled me up we chatted for a bit and F U C K me... He said to me.... "tell ya what. Here is the list of what i can charge ya with. You choose one"
Even let me ride home.
I hate to say it but there are some good cops out there.
Perhaps its because i was quite a bit older than him? dunno but hat goes off to that particular piggy.
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Yes, I've heard alot of talk about Hoon laws here on Australia, and I agree with all of them. You messed up, you suffer imo Tongue But that's a shame to hear about your bike man, but thank god for the "nice cop" ? Haha.
At the top will be the same place you hang from.
(01-27-2010, 12:00 AM)trilobyte- Wrote: Yes, I've heard alot of talk about Hoon laws here on Australia, and I agree with all of them. You messed up, you suffer imo Tongue But that's a shame to hear about your bike man, but thank god for the "nice cop" ? Haha.

Its actually a grey area i believe.
What about a regualar cop. A rookie if you will in a persuit? Nono
Ambulance drivers?
If we make laws should they not apply to all?
Ofcourse not because the above need priority even though every year people die due to them speeding.

Do we impound trucks that are speeding also? Big B doubles?
Ofcourse not as they have no where to put them.
See its full of grey areas man.
Tell ya what look at it slightly different.
Instead of vehicles let use drugs shall we?
They should go for the dealer but often prosecute the user.
Now with vehicles. Why have such powerful vehicles available to novice drivers.
Is it the 18 year old's fault he has testostirone raging in his system and gets a little carried away or is it the manufacturers fault.
Perhaps its the goverments fault for not applying reasonable power to weight restrictions to actually target the real problem.
But thats just some of my thoughts.
Easy to just say i agree to them all. But in reality thats just a nieve thing to say IMHO.
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So what did you choose to get done with?
I think I would have gone for the speeding fine! (or fine for doing the mono depending).
I'm on my P's so as soon as I do anything I loose my liscence.

I think that my mate got lots off his suspension for saying stuff like you did (well his lawyer did Tongue)
He was on a 6year suspension and $6000 fine, managed to get it down to 6months and $1000 at his court hearing.
He was only doing 80km/hr over Tongue
I got a $570 fine. Thats it.
Prob loose my personalised plates over it also so thats another $500 or so.
But hey. Small change. Weeks work at most. I dont really care. I was simply impressed there are good cops around town.

(ps if i got caught for what i did on any given day i would be in far more trouble, gotta take some on the chin and smile)
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See, not all of us are bad guys, some of us actually try to help people out if you give us a chance ;)

That signature image is quite annoying btw...>.<

I can't tell you how many people have tried going to court over speeding tickets I've written. I hate suspending licenses unless you have a huge history of tickets. Generally if I pull you over you're going to get a ticket unless it's something like one of your lights are out. If I'm going through the trouble of pulling you over, well, might as well take another minute or to you write you. But I generally don't suspend someone. 20+mph over the limit is suspension. I'll write you for 19 over. Then someone will take me to court. In Texas I can change the ticket at any time before it's closed out, even in court. So I'll generally show up with a new ticket in hand for the correct speed as I keep meticulous notes on all traffic stops I've ever done.
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[Image: logo.png]
> I got a $570 fine.

Ah, that sucks.

> That signature image is quite annoying btw...>.<

lol. It wouldn't be so annoying if it wasn't so tall, I think. Tongue

Visit it, and tell me what you think. Tongue
Some cops are the best others aren't all that good. But all in all they're just doing their their job, some just take it too serious.
(01-29-2010, 10:57 AM)Grizzly Wrote: That signature image is quite annoying btw...>.<

(01-29-2010, 03:01 PM)TheLifelessOne Wrote: lol. It wouldn't be so annoying if it wasn't so tall, I think. Tongue

Sheeze louise. I even made a thread about this sig. But i guess you guys missed that?

Click on this link. It will take you there! Smile
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Keep it. Its awesome :p

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