(01-09-2010, 02:45 AM)Tim Wrote: They don't give 5 reps, they give a rep rating from -5 to 5, so if someone is rep'd by 4 people and they are given a 4, 3, -2 and 3 then their reputation will be an average of those, ie. their rep will be 2 out of 5. Each of these ratings will only be valid for say 6 months but users can rate people again, this gives scope for change and also solves the problem if someone is unfairly rep'das it will eventually expire.
Yep you see. This is what we need Omni.
I know your asleep know ya old bugger but can you have this up and running by tomorrow? Seriously man. Comeon.
Na seriously though. Thats exactly what SF needs i feel. Something that relates to thread more than user as this can be a conflicting influence.
Look at me for example.
60% of my posts are rants and raves. Just fill for a forum.
20% are quality that deserves some rep if you will if not for content then for effort.
If a member looks at my profile they may think im a complete dick and not rely on what i say.
Now that entirely understandable

But lets say i put a great thread out that everyone loves then it would be noted then and ever after its a respected thread by the community not a member who is respected by the community. Now because this is a support forum then the most important answer should be most relevant so rep is irrelevant i feel anyway.