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Window copies
It's afficial windows copies apple.They just launched there tablet weeks ahead of apple's...They didn't even change the os. It's still windwos 7 .Apple's is supposed to be launched January 26th. I guess that makes them official.. From vista copying tiger to the tablet whats next? link;
w0w, that looks awsome...
Such a small thing running Win7, just awsome.... I will look for further updates on this.
Lol... Same thing i was saying the size/
That is not that impressive.
Good and Bad you Decide.
I think they'll reach a type of deaster ;) because they can't find the PERFECT size... Big Grin

But it does look aswome, I'll wait for those and try to get one...
Bill Gates stole the first "Windows" from Apple didnt he ? Good artists copy - great artists steal... nothing new
Well yea, Microsoft was not at all secretive about the release of the tablet before-hand so you're a little late here, but it's pretty obvious that Microsoft copies Apple a lot now, the tablet is not at all impressive; I mean...sure, Windows 7 has some features aimed towards embedded/tablet devices but that doesn't mean you should be running a full desktop OS on your tablet; I am certain that whatever abstraction of OS X/iPhone OS Apple comes up with for the iSlate is going to outdo this HP POS, Also Steve Ballmer's CES presentation was horrible and boring, Microsoft is really out of touch.
[Completely Honest. Seriously.]

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Yea I Hate Steve Ballmer
Except for:
[Completely Honest. Seriously.]

Protip: Anonymous Reputation Points are for Pussies
Bill gates didn't steal the first Windows. Who the fudge told you that?! Bill Gates used to work with Steve Jobs. I don't know why, but they split and Steve made his own company.

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