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What are you views on racism?
Big Deal,

You hate a group of people because of who they are. Who cares what they wear? Why does it effect you? Are you wearing it? Are they hitting on you? No. You are making yourself sound just as ignorant as a racist. If my son came up to me and said he decided he was gay, then hey, he can be gay. However, if it was just for the "fashionable" reason it wouldn't last very long, as those types of "fashions" that kids get into are just fads and kids outgrow them as they mature. If my son was actually gay, again, so what? If you love your kid it doesn't matter. Parents who disown their kids, etc. because they are gay are just not good parents. Maybe when you grow up and leave school and have kids of your own you'll understand. But right now, you're just a bigot.
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Quote:And their suicidal rate is high ? Glad to hear this - survival of the fittest is still valid..

I bet you won't be saying that if your own child takes his or her life, regardless of how petty the reason is. I agree with Grizzly. It's ironic, because acting like a heartless bastard seems to be a "fad" that has existed in male adolescents for decades. Thank god that I haven't/don't plan to go through it. Grow a pair and learn to watch what you say and to whom you say it. Yeah, I get it; no one here knows you, you can be the person you want to be, whatever. One day you'll grow up.
(12-24-2009, 04:09 PM)BIG DEAL Wrote: African Americans were born with their skin color .. many gays turn gay just because its considered fashionable nowadays.. Imagine you have a son and he turns gay not because he was born with messed up hormones, but because he saw it on TV? how would this make you feel ? And their suicidal rate is high ? Glad to hear this - survival of the fittest is still valid.. well lately its more like survival of the smartest, but thats another topic ..

redeyepride, i bookmarked ur blog - will read it later

You will learn your views of hate will only isolate you and eventually eat you up from the inside out.
[Image: Uhriventis.gif]
Racism = Ignorance, stupidity and narrow mindedness.
[Image: Scarface.jpg]
I don't agree with racism. But I can't deny that on occasion I have judged people by their race. I live in the UK and in my school there are only about 10 black that I've ever seen out of 1,500.

I think it's also in some way the media. The media portrays terrorists as only people who have different coloured skin and ethnic backgrounds.

Also what defines racism? Is it just thoughts to yourself or acting on them?
You can't forget that racism works against all race's and not just one.
Pm me if you need assistance with anything.
I think racism, is just another reason for the world to fight against each offer.
At the end of the idea were all humans, regardless of our skin color, religion, background or our sexuality.

Racism only cause hate and violence. And no good can ever come of it, Period.
Its just sad to say who some small minded people can judge a person with the even saying a word.
Also that racism goes both ways.
In my opinion, I feel like everyone is racist in someway. It is just your opinion. But extreme hatred to a race is terrible but I feel like it is increasing...
Racism is conflict and conflict will always be there. Best to find ways to deal with it.

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