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Is world ends in 2012?
When India Population cross 500 crore people then there is an end of world........
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I couldn't help but res this from the dead. I find it amusing. I've looked after a lot of data on this and the only threat that posses the earth is of course the solar switch of the sun, which in return will send a blast of cosmic radiation towards us- as it does every 11 years. 1895 (59?) a big one happened and knocked out telephone communications for awhile. It is only now that we figured out what it was. The Sun. With that said after reading many Astro Physicists' papers and videos they say if we do get knocked we could be out of power and all data/radio and power for a few months. Doesn't seem that bad. Doesn't scare me the bit. The only nations effected by this will be data reliant countries. 3rd world countries will go on about their business as they have for thousands of years. All in all, kind of funny yet struck fear in me at first. The world will not end.
[Image: Uhriventis.gif]
not in 2012 the world will end no. ;) The world has to end sometime though that is a fact.
The world will definetly not end in 2012. And most people really don't believe all the hype either. I mean if i believed i only had 2 years to live i sell all my worldly possessions and go see the world. And the domestic types with families would be stock piling money and resources preparing themselves for the Apocalypse. Nobody really belives this, it's just something to theorize about and try to promote movies and products.
(12-24-2009, 04:53 AM)bloodrain2011 Wrote: The world will definetly not end in 2012. And most people really don't believe all the hype either. I mean if i believed i only had 2 years to live i sell all my worldly possessions and go see the world. And the domestic types with families would be stock piling money and resources preparing themselves for the Apocalypse. Nobody really belives this, it's just something to theorize about and try to promote movies and products.

I get the point you're making and it's a good one. But, I'd rather take a bunch of drugs.
[Image: Uhriventis.gif]
Its hazy man.. its hazy... we can't tell you.. but you better get some cash to buy tickets for the archs.. ye kno.. the movie and stuff..
(12-24-2009, 04:57 AM)Uhriventis Wrote: I get the point you're making and it's a good one. But, I'd rather take a bunch of drugs.
tottally d00d
Verum quaere et insaniam inveni
Guys do you believe in that?? Only god knows when the world ends!
Stop with this 2012 bullshit! Unless you have scientific proof you are just yakking at the mouth; speculation has no place in the area of worldwide catastrophes.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
(12-24-2009, 09:16 AM)Аноним Интерфейс Wrote: Stop with this 2012 bullshit! Unless you have scientific proof you are just yakking at the mouth; speculation has no place in the area of worldwide catastrophes.

I don't actually believe in any of it so I haven't done much research but apparently something is going to happen around that time according to science. I watched a documentary on the History channel and I guess that we are going to be aligned with the giant black hole in the center of the galaxy, or maybe it's the giant star... Either way, according to this documentary it technically could result in a reversal of the poles which would pretty much cause the apocalypse. I'm guessing what they left out is that it's not much more likely than that happening now. lol
Robert Picard
(10-31-2009, 03:12 PM)nevets04 Wrote: december 31, 2011 Is gonna be SO SICK

It's 12/12/12 not 12/31/11
[Image: 29ol3br.png]

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