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Found it:
(12-22-2009, 11:42 PM)Extasey Wrote: Found it:
Do you mind if I post the code?
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
In a new thread?
I don't mind, its not mine after all.
(12-22-2009, 11:49 PM)Extasey Wrote: In a new thread?
I don't mind, its not mine after all.
No, to end this thread. The man wants a conversion no? Well, here is the program:
:: B2bat (binary to bat)

:: Author: lShadowl;The Shadow

:: Realese date:24/8/09

:: Realese version:1.0

:: Tested in Win Xp pro sp3

:: File size limit: 64kB

:: Info: Converts any file into a batch script.

:: Syntax: b2b <in file> <out script>

       @echo off


setlocal enabledelayedexpansion&& set ms=%2&& set mos=%1

if not defined ms (echo Syntax: b2b ^<in file^> ^<out script^>&& goto:eof) else (echo.Working...)

echo.exit|cmd/K prompt $_rcx$_$_q>$

echo set cx=%%1>CX.bat

debug %1<$ | find "CX">_.bat&& call _

set/a ecx=0x100+0x%cx%

set hexstr=0123456789ABCDEF&& set sz=


set/a ths=%ecx% %% 16

call :evals %%hexstr:~%ths%,1%%

if /I %ecx% GEQ 16 (set /A ecx=%ecx%/16&& goto:loop2) else (goto:kg)


set sz=%1%sz%&& goto:eof


echo.exit|cmd/K prompt $_d 100 %sz%$_q>$

type $ | debug %1>$.t

(echo set ff=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject"^)&& echo set rr=ff.opentextfile("$.t",1^)&& echo aa = rr.readall

echo rr.close&& echo r1 = Replace(aa,">",""^)&& echo r2 = Replace(r1,"<",""^)&& echo r3 = Replace(r2,"&",""^)

echo r4 = Replace(r3,"|",""^)&& echo set bb=ff.opentextfile("$.t",2^)&& echo bb.write r4)>rp.vbs&& rp.vbs

for /f "tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('"type $.t|find /n /v """') do (set "current=%%B"

    if defined current (call set current=!!current:-= !!&& echo !current!>>$) else echo.>>$)

echo.exit|cmd/K prompt $_::Script by B2bat - B2bat by lShadowl$_       @echo off$_($_echo n b2bat.>%ms%

for /f "tokens=* skip=7 delims=%%a" %%a in ($) do (set csl=%%a&& echo echo e!csl:~5,53!>>%ms%)


echo exit|cmd/K prompt $_echo.$_echo rcx$_echo %sz%$_echo w$_echo q$_echo.$_)$Gda.t$A$A rem >>%ms%

echo.exit|cmd/K prompt $_debug$Lda.t$Gnul$_ren b2bat.exi %mos%$A$A rem >>%ms%


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
Oh haha, fair enough!
Didn't even think about it. Convert your html file with this batch program, then find a batch to exe convertor in Google. BAM your weird conversion is done :S
no no this is real..i already test it

[Image: ubuntu_5.11.jpg]
(12-26-2009, 08:33 AM)Sagittarius Wrote: no no this is real..i already test it

That didn't have anything to do with your own thread. Unless of course I missed something.
Do you know how to make games? Do you know 3d Modeling? If so then visit
[Image: logo.png]
(12-26-2009, 09:46 AM)Grizzly Wrote: That didn't have anything to do with your own thread. Unless of course I missed something.
I'm pretty sure you didn't miss anything... this guy confuses me.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.

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