11-19-2009, 02:22 AM
Seeing as writing is something that each and every one of us do here,
every time that we visit, then how about the possibilty of creating a forum
for the more literary inclined, where members could display their various skills
in writing Short Stories, Poetry, Technical Blogs or Software Reviews and suchlike?
There is the graphic equivalent, hence this suggestion for the literary.
It could possibly refer to more specific topics, as opposed to the more
random collection, such as may appear in the OSHIT forum.
Maybe it could also be possible to include the recently rejected suggestion
by Master of The Universe, regarding improvng post quality, by certain
members suggesting corrections for grammatical errors.
Although I don't think that it should be necessary for threads or posts,
to be pre-tested first, by posting them in a seperate section,
as it may generate a lot of duplicated threads/posts and also in many cases,
certain members will offer suggestions to others regarding grammatical errors.
I don't mind occasionally pointing out typos etc, and I welcome any grammatical corrections suggested to me as well.
Thank you for considering this suggestion.
every time that we visit, then how about the possibilty of creating a forum
for the more literary inclined, where members could display their various skills
in writing Short Stories, Poetry, Technical Blogs or Software Reviews and suchlike?
There is the graphic equivalent, hence this suggestion for the literary.
It could possibly refer to more specific topics, as opposed to the more
random collection, such as may appear in the OSHIT forum.
Maybe it could also be possible to include the recently rejected suggestion
by Master of The Universe, regarding improvng post quality, by certain
members suggesting corrections for grammatical errors.
Although I don't think that it should be necessary for threads or posts,
to be pre-tested first, by posting them in a seperate section,
as it may generate a lot of duplicated threads/posts and also in many cases,
certain members will offer suggestions to others regarding grammatical errors.
I don't mind occasionally pointing out typos etc, and I welcome any grammatical corrections suggested to me as well.
Thank you for considering this suggestion.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance - Confucius