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Text Flip [TuT]
Ill use this in my future projects thank you
Thanks for source code......
[Image: 20r9vh4.jpg]
Thank you very much for this but I need a code for unflipping the text if possible, thanks

NVM the unflip code, I already figured out how to do

For the unflip code
add two new textboxes (textbox3 and textbox4)
then put this to the unflip button
Dim str As String, Newstr As String = Nothing
        str = TextBox3.Text
        For Each StrText As String In str
            Select Case True
                Case StrText = "p"
                    StrText = "b"
                Case StrText = "b"
                    StrText = "p"
                Case StrText = "d"
                    StrText = "q"
                Case StrText = "q"
                    StrText = "d"
                Case StrText = "n"
                    StrText = "u"
                Case True
                    For I = 0 To V.Length - 1
                        StrText = StrText.Replace(X.ElementAt(I), _
            End Select
            Newstr &= StrText

        TextBox4.Text = Newstr
        TextBox4.Text = StrReverse(TextBox4.Text)
Thanks a lot for the share mate.
I will try it now.
[Image: 3dtextven0mhf.png]
You know this whole thing could be simplified down to something like this:
Dim X() As Char = "¿/˙'\‾¡zʎxʍʌnʇsɹbdouɯlʞɾıɥƃɟǝpɔqɐ".ToCharArray, _
V As String = "?\.,/_!zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"

Dim InputString As String = "Testing#123"
MsgBox(StrReverse(New String((From Obj As Char In InputString.ToCharArray()
                                            Select If(V.IndexOf(Obj) <> -1, X(V.IndexOf(Obj)), Obj)).ToArray)))

Try that on for size lol. Lets see if anyone can tell me how my example even works Smile

It's missing the flipped text for uppercase letters though, I don't have those.

Edit: Could be a function too:
Private Shared Function TextFlip(InputString As String) As String
    Dim X() As Char = "¿/˙'\‾¡zʎxʍʌnʇsɹbdouɯlʞɾıɥƃɟǝpɔqɐ".ToCharArray, _
        V As String = "?\.,/_!zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"
    Return StrReverse(New String((From Obj As Char In InputString.ToCharArray()
                                        Select If(V.IndexOf(Obj) <> -1, X(V.IndexOf(Obj)), Obj)).ToArray))
End Function

C# Example that i've made:
private string TextFlip(string InputString)
    char[] X = @"¿/˙'\‾¡zʎxʍʌnʇsɹbdouɯlʞɾıɥƃɟǝpɔqɐ".ToCharArray();
    string V = @"?\.,/_!zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba";

    return new string((from char obj in InputString.ToCharArray()
               select (V.IndexOf(obj) != -1) ? X[V.IndexOf(obj)] : obj).Reverse().ToArray());

Just as a suggestion, you could put this in function form and add it to malware you create... An example being a keylogger.

The user making the keylogger submits their email, which you want to be secure, so you can use this + the string reversed.

Then, when it comes time, unflip and unreverse the text for it to be used.

Just another way to keep things secure.
(04-20-2012, 01:06 AM)killermanjaro65 Wrote: Just as a suggestion, you could put this in function form and add it to malware you create... An example being a keylogger.

The user making the keylogger submits their email, which you want to be secure, so you can use this + the string reversed.

Then, when it comes time, unflip and unreverse the text for it to be used.

Just another way to keep things secure.

People don't create malware on SF. Huh

And that's exactly what I did here:

It's put into a function, but with also more optimized code
(04-20-2012, 02:42 PM)AceInfinity Wrote: People don't create malware on SF. Huh

And that's exactly what I did here:

It's put into a function, but with also more optimized code

I'm talking about the coders that come here from HF... They could use this in their malware, but it's just an option.
(04-22-2012, 09:21 PM)killermanjaro65 Wrote: I'm talking about the coders that come here from HF... They could use this in their malware, but it's just an option.

We don't talk about Malware here anyways because it's against the rules to discuss development of anything of that nature. Lots of people come from that forum, but it doesn't mean the discussion here has to be geared towards the same ideas.
Great, easy tutorial! I will just make one for myself as i'm always googling "flip my text"

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