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Should everybody have to go to school?
Try to live in a society with no education. You wouldn't be able to even to access the internet.
Don't act like you learn everything outside of school.
I think school from elementary to High School is a joke in America.
Like today in English, these kids next to me would not shut up. UGH it made me so mad.
Once they get to high school I think they should be given a choice whether to continue with school or not.

If someone doesn't want to excel and learn, that's their problem, they probably will end up having not as great of a life unless they get lucky.

The only bad thing is that this would create a lot of trouble. Teenagers are trouble and a bunch of the troublesome ones not in school would cause mayhem.
I personally think yes, everybody In some way, shape or form must have some sort of education. School or home school, either way just as long as It's some form of education.
If youths were not forced to attend school then the crime rates in western countries would be much greater than they are now. Without education, people will turn to crime, unemployment rates will soar, and our technology would be no where near as advanced as it is today.
Just think, how many kids do you reckon actually enjoy going to school and learning? I would say maybe 1/2 teens, if given the choice, will not go to school. Hypothetically, think about the population of all the western countries combined, 1/2 of those people will now be stuck in either jobs that require no education or are unemployed.

Children are too young to appreciate what an education could mean in their life, so they should not be given a choice as to whether or not they have one.
Yes there is no way you can know or learn everything. School doesn't just teach you, it gives you many opportunities in life.
I have learned more online than I have at school. But I still think that some kids need school.
I agree with the op,but I wonder is there any single school on this damn earth who would agree to us and suspend/dismiss those kinda dumbs? Sad
[Image: Z95Xp.png]
The reason why people have to go to school is because the government (well the US government) requires children to go to school. And school will ultimately better your chances of getting a good job and become autonomous when you graduate from HS or college.

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