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Guide: Dealing with Bullies
I got the Idea for this from a talk I had at school today but felt their message was just "tell the teacher" which doesn't always work/help.

I would like to point out at this point that I was bullied a bit at school earlier on so I sort of know what people feel. If people have any other advice on the subject or have any problems with these please comment on them, I'm by no means an expert psychologist etc.

Bullying is the hidden truth that thrives in the classroom and the schoolyard. We like to think that school's have moved on and that bullying isn't an issue, but unfortunately this isn't the case. Bullying still continues to this day and affects millions of children around the world every year, so the first thing to remember is you are NOT alone. Unfortunately Kids who like Technology and Bullies tend to go hand in hand in many cases (hence why I'm posting this guide here). The good news is that there are ways to deal with bullying and bullies and I hope to discuss them here.

1) Ignore it
Now ignoring verbal comments/insults may not be the easiest of things to do and it can be very easy to get worked up over words but the thing to remember is that in the end, its just words and words are open to interpretation and context. If you are in to science, you may want to try and think that all that has been done is someone has vibrated the air particles around you to take your mind off of it.

2) Stand up for yourself
When I say stand up for yourself, I don't mean be threatening, offensive or even confident. If someone has upset you don't go saying "I'll fight you" or anything that can make you wind up in a worse situation. Just pick yourself up and pluck up some courage to say NO or talk back. At heart, most bullies ARE cowards and pick on people who they think won't stand up for themselves, just one act of courage could keep you clear of bullies for your entire school life.

3) Accept it
Say someone has just called you a Nerd, you could stay quiet and show social weakness, or you could accept their comment (if its true or similar to the truth, don't accept something that isn't) and go along with it, asking them what their point is. I remember being called a nerd once and my response was "Im a geek, not a nerd, get it right". This can buy you respect from your peers for not being afraid of who you are.

4) Speak to someone of authority
Now, this should really only be for when bullying is becoming very intense or if any physical harm is being done to you. This doesn't need to be a parent or a teacher, just anyone who has the ability to help and most people will probable be willing to help. If you are being physically harmed by anyone this is crucial and in many cases it could be justified to speak to your local authorities/police if whatever has been done can be classes as assault.

Now, this is just me throwing something together quickly and I will probable come back later and rewrite bit of this and add more, but remember I am NOT and expert so please comment if you feel something is wrong or ineffective.
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I am sadly sorry to say there is nothing that helps you deal with a bully. And none of the school taught methods work.

Accepting it: Will make them think you will lie down and be easy prey forever. Which means they won't leave you alone. The whole bullies want attention is BS, they want dominate.

Ingore it: Doesn't work, because then they feel like they failed. It hurts their pride. It makes them go worse. Sad but true.

Stand up: Nope. You as a person will just get your arse kicked. You are one against someone either pycho. smarter or physo. smarter, which means they can beat you still more then one way.

Speak to someone of authority: Worst you can possibly do. They will come back for revenge harder and worse. Don't do it.

Things that do work:
Scare them: If they think they have pushed you to far and that your gonna make the next collinbine, yea they gonna stay the hell away. (i did this one. It worked for me.)

Get a group: Friends work amazingly. If they are older thats a bonus.

Get a girl: Good and bad. If they like them aswell, bad because they are gonna make you look like a dounce. If not, they will start teasing her, and girls seem never to let one be down.

All imo though.
(11-01-2009, 03:35 PM)Tm0 Wrote: I am sadly sorry to say there is nothing that helps you deal with a bully. And none of the school taught methods work.

Whether any of these methods work depends on the bully, and how determined they actually want to humiliate you/make themselves look better.
I was perhaps a little fortunate as a young kid and was not bullied. I did witness large amounts of it though and was rather proactive in stopping it even when i was a kid. Often i would talk to the bully and say things such as "bah leave the little prick alone" Seperating myself from the bullied one but trying to make light of the situation in the hope of defusing it. It often worked. At other times not so well. Smile
I have always had a real hatred towards people who bully. They dont understand the implications at times. As for individually stopping "getting" bullied then i dont have any answers. The strong often target the weak leaving them little or no ability to respond. I think its a social problem that needs addressing.
I have been involved in stopping bullying even at adult age believe it or not. Its something that does not end. The strong feed there ego by targeting the weak..
If a classroom full of people were to stand up for the one being bullied then the bully would more than likely stop.
If a teacher or parent gets involved then it often makes later situations worse.
So it needs to be stopped by not being acceptable and people voicing there opinions openly when around it.
I get sick in the stomach when i see people posting crap on youtube where 5 of them beat up on 1 person who does not even try defend.
Its so damn cowardly it makes me really mad.
So i say everyone and anyone who sees this going on SPEAK UP. Not telling on them rather telling them directly THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. And hopefully people follow suit. (Hopefull belief certainly)
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stab them O.o
(11-01-2009, 06:21 PM)nevets04 Wrote: stab them O.o

Thats taking it to far.

Quote:Whether any of these methods work depends on the bully, and how determined they actually want to humiliate you/make themselves look better.
Not true, as i said, they have evolved, its not just looking better, its to know that someone fears you at night.

Quote:I think a good method is to sucker punch them in the temple. That's just me, though.

Bullies usually have packs, and if one of thems see the oppertunity to get on top they will. So its not always 1-1.

Damink, i'm not even gonna try to say each one of your points is valid. But unless people mature, its not gonna happen. If anything, middle school/grade 9 is happening in gr 5 nowadays. its getting worse.
(11-01-2009, 08:28 PM)Tm0 Wrote: Damink, i'm not even gonna try to say each one of your points is valid.

There simply my opinions. I did not know there were up for evaluation.
But whatever man.
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FTW Forum <-- Home of the Damned! --> Join me On MM

My dad always told me if anybody bothers me and is bigger than me or im scare of that person, to get a bat and break his arm! I never got the opportunity to do it but nobody messed with me!
Google es tu mejor amigo :]
(11-01-2009, 08:30 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: There simply my opinions. I did not know there were up for evaluation.
But whatever man.

Not what i meant, was badly worded. I mean you are right. Just us children are too inmature to actually act in a decent manner.

Quote:My dad always told me if anybody bothers me and is bigger than me or im scare of that person, to get a bat and break his arm! I never got the opportunity to do it but nobody messed with me!

That would be assualt wouldn't it?
(11-01-2009, 03:35 PM)Tm0 Wrote: I am sadly sorry to say there is nothing that helps you deal with a bully. And none of the school taught methods work.

Accepting it: Will make them think you will lie down and be easy prey forever. Which means they won't leave you alone. The whole bullies want attention is BS, they want dominate.

Ingore it: Doesn't work, because then they feel like they failed. It hurts their pride. It makes them go worse. Sad but true.

Stand up: Nope. You as a person will just get your arse kicked. You are one against someone either pycho. smarter or physo. smarter, which means they can beat you still more then one way.

Speak to someone of authority: Worst you can possibly do. They will come back for revenge harder and worse. Don't do it.

Things that do work:
Scare them: If they think they have pushed you to far and that your gonna make the next collinbine, yea they gonna stay the hell away. (i did this one. It worked for me.)

Get a group: Friends work amazingly. If they are older thats a bonus.

Get a girl: Good and bad. If they like them aswell, bad because they are gonna make you look like a dounce. If not, they will start teasing her, and girls seem never to let one be down.

All imo though.

I tend to be an jerk around freshman at my school, i find the best way for me to lose interest is if they ignore me, it's just no fun that way. But i agree, trying to stick up for yourself usually results in an ass kicking after school. A girl actually said she was going to murder me and my family in my sleep Blink I leave her alone now lol
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