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Encouraging Piracy?
I got a - rep from Anonymous saying that i was Encouraging piracy. I also noticed that the e-book thread I posted was taken down, was it because I used a download from Malvager? I do not wish to complain or trouble anyone I would just like to know why I got -repped and what I can do to prevent it in the future. Please do not tell me to read the rules because I have. Blackhat
[Image: izsyo6.jpg]

Anything that is warez (files you are supposed to pay for but aren't) is against the rules and cannot be posted on this forum.

It's clearly stated in the rules.
[Image: MreGSXsigcopy.png]

The -rep was from another member who had given it anonymously.

You had posted an E-Book which was of course paid for and downloaded by someone else. You do not have any legal ownership of the E-Book and we don't take piracy here at Support Forums too kindly.
[Image: 3326yvl.jpg]

Too be honest I really had no idea what an E-Book was I thought it was just a .pdf or something. I was just looking around different forums for a good python guide and found a good one I thought I would share. I should have been more informed and I apologize. Skill, you sent me a PM I could not reply to (less than 10 posts) my thread was physically removed from the forum which I am guessing was done by an admin. I am new here and the only ones I know that are admins are you and Omniscient, if you - repped me for breaking the rules I have no problem with that, and there is no reason to hide it. I understand that privacy is important here and I respect that. Next time I'll understand the content I post here before I post it. Also after re-reading the rules I realized I had posted a link to Malvager which also contains "hacking" content, so feel free to neg rep me for that too, as I deserve it. I'm so used to the freedom of Omniscient's other forums** that I forgot he was trying to start a different community here at SF. I apologize and it will not happen again.
[Image: izsyo6.jpg]

I am not an Administrator, I am a Super Moderator Smile

I removed the thread because it contained illegal content. (The E-Book and of course the link to Malvager)

I did not -rep you and even if I did, I would have done it without being anonymous.

Your apology is accepted, don't take anything personal. Rules are rules.
[Image: 3326yvl.jpg]

Seems an appropriate rep. You posted a warez link.

Realize that SF will not allow warez DL's or hacking tools to be posted. We are not a hacking community (white hat or black hat) and it's just not appropriate material for this site.
Superman I am here to rescue you.
This is Support Forums not Support PMs.  Do not PM me for support unless it's private and site related.

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