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I blush.
I blush. At stupid things. Usually if I get pointed out at school (for anything, even when I raise my hand to ask a question in math class) and I really hate it. When everyone looks at me, my ears turn very red and my face turns red too. I can feel the heat. I can even feel it in my eyes. I am guessing this could be related to confidence.

I have been suffering from this blushing problem for quite some time now and I need to find a way to get rid of it. Right now, it is the worst thing in the world to me. It gets worse (I get WAY redder) when I am wrong about something, or say something stupid, or don't have anything to say.

What do I do? Please help me.
Don't worry about. Everybody blushes, it's a natural thing.
Don't listen to what people in school say either. They will make fun of you for no reason other than, they want someone to make fun of. If you didn't blush, they'd find something else.

And, I've found that a lot of girls find that to be attractive, so just don't worry about it Smile
(07-28-2011, 07:26 PM)Terridax Wrote: Don't worry about. Everybody blushes, it's a natural thing.
Don't listen to what people in school say either. They will make fun of you for no reason other than, they want someone to make fun of. If you didn't blush, they'd find something else.

And, I've found that a lot of girls find that to be attractive, so just don't worry about it Smile
That's what everyone says, but I feel super embarrassed if a girl sees me blush. And I am not some kid that gets picked on, I am attractive, tall, awesome personality, lots of friends, etc... But I blush! Like crazy!
(07-28-2011, 07:27 PM)roody poo Wrote: That's what everyone says, but I feel super embarrassed if a girl sees me blush. And I am not some kid that gets picked on, I am attractive, tall, awesome personality, lots of friends, etc... But I blush! Like crazy!
Well, I think it's something that you will just get used to over time. Everybody has insecurities at some point in their life, but you've just got to learn to live with them, and embrace them Big Grin

For me, it was my smile. I have a horrible smile... so I tried to never smile, or when I did I would look at the ground so nobody could see my face.

As time went on, I found that trying to cover it up was really what was making me feel awkward. My smile is still horrible to this day, but now I've grown to just accept it and live with it, and I don't feel insecure about it anymore.

Just remember, nobody is perfect, and most people have stuff about them that is much more embarrassing than being a frequent blusher ;)
(07-28-2011, 07:39 PM)Terridax Wrote: Well, I think it's something that you will just get used to over time. Everybody has insecurities at some point in their life, but you've just got to learn to live with them, and embrace them Big Grin

For me, it was my smile. I have a horrible smile... so I tried to never smile, or when I did I would look at the ground so nobody could see my face.

As time went on, I found that trying to cover it up was really what was making me feel awkward. My smile is still horrible to this day, but now I've grown to just accept it and live with it, and I don't feel insecure about it anymore.

Just remember, nobody is perfect, and most people have stuff about them that is much more embarrassing than being a frequent blusher ;)
Dude, your story was really touching. For real. Well I have a freckle in my eyeball that is bigger then a pencil eraser. Top that. :p
You are just like this guy in my school. Surprisingly, no one really cares.
@ first i got embarrassed when girls kissed me but not know im just use to it and im not afraid
I also blush sometimes at stupid times, and I don't even realize I'm doing it. One time, I got a money amount wrong in a local shop near me, and I just gave her the right amount of money once I made the mistake. But once I left my mum said that I went bright red, I didn't even feel it.

Things like this happen man, I shouldn't be too worried about it.
yeah, blushing is natural and if anything it just shows your real feelings.
Definitely don't worry about it!

It may be annoying, but it's fine, everyone blushes at stupid times.

This really doesn't effect anything, someone may bring up that you were blushing, and if they do, just say "I don't care, happens a lot." or something.

This happens to me all the time, but I've got over it.

Almost every time the teacher asks me a question, I blush, but once you realise it's natural and really doesn't effect anything, you get over it.


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