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What are your grades?
English B2
Hindi B2
Science B2
Maths C1
Algebra- [A+] (98)
World History- [A] (96)
English College- [A] (93)
Biology- [A-] (92)

This was last years grades.
I'm a straight A student Smile
I got all A's Like a bossss!
So happy Yeye
My Final grades in my main nsubjects(For this tear, all averaged together)
Were this:
Math Honoros- A+
Biology Honors-A
English Honors- A+
AP World History- A+
my grades for this year are

Art - A+
Science - B+
math - D+ (had a b+ to pull mark up second semester)
gym - A+ obv
Indian Studies - A+
Biology 11 ADV - B+

Can't remember others sorry.
I had a 4.0 throughout High School. I have a 3.73 in college ATM.
Wow you got good grades. I got all A's and a B last semester. I was sad because of the B.
All As. 7th grade was the only year when I really slipped. That was the first time I had ever gotten below a C on a quarterly report card. I have dropped below a C before (I've once even gotten an F), but I managed to bring it back up to a B or an A. I had Fs and Ds in 7th grade, but in 8th grade I brought myself back.

My goal is to get straight As throughout high school. If I do that, my parents will buy me a BMW. Big Grin

Last year had a 3.87. This year looking to get an easy 4.0.
Sig removed. Not appropriate for SF.

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