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Rough time on my own :(
As some of you know from a previous post of mine, I got kicked out of my house after an argument with my sister. I've been gone for almost a month now, and I still have no job Sad I'm getting stressed because no one is hiring and I've been hitting pretty much everywhere... grocery stores, fast food, hell even 7-11 lol, but no luck Sad. Thank god (I may start putting faith in Him lol) that I've managed to find a place with a friend whose parents are letting me stay rent free until I get a job. But they won't pay for food unless it's a family dinner, so the past few days I've gone with eating only 1 meal and just having snacks that the family have kindly let me have (a couple peanut butter cracker things here and there, bag of chips).

I'm becoming really stressed and am becoming worried that I won't find a job. I know that's irrational because people come and go quickly, I just have to find a place, but it's becoming close to an actual fear of mine. You figure someone with 3 years of customer service could land a job somewhere right?

This was just a vent for me, comment if you wish, I just want to get this out lol.

And I'm sure this will pop up so I'll say it now. I cannot move back home, I have already asked several times and the answer has been no.
We all have things we want to say, but not publicly. We all need help with them at one point. If you want a private conversation or seek private help, send me a PM.
Oh that suxs mate! I would suggest you find a job asap but as from what I read here it seems hard! Best for you is to keep trying I hope you find some fast! Good luck!
You need to take into consideration, what is possible for you at your age. If it seems unlikely don’t do it.

It’s entirely up to you what you choose to believe in, but before you consider choosing someone or something else to believe, why not confront the fact that you need to believe in yourself. Try hard. Give it your all and when your down and people are stepping on you get up and put them down.

Keep your head up try not to let the little things phase you, as this will lead to the bigger things having more of an affect on you.

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I feel sory for you, I hope you get a job soon.
Have you looked at internet marketing?
If you are good a software, you should try to get a internet related job, or start your own company.

Good luck!

I understand the pain you are going through mate. I hope you find a job that best suits you mate. Don't worry one day your chance will come. Smile
My goal is members success.
[Image: abidnewglassysig.png]
Try asking your friends and relatives if they know a good job for you. And check the newspapers, you never know if you find something promising. keep your hopes up. If stay optimistic, good things happen!

Wait you had an argument with your SISTER and you got kicked out? i am interested in what you did. And as for a job, if you have any access to a computer you could always get a job there, or look in the newspaper and such, i'm sure you can find a job somewhere.
I actually just applied to Victoria's Secret lol, strangely I feel confident I can get the job even though I'm a guy lol.

Here's the reason...
We all have things we want to say, but not publicly. We all need help with them at one point. If you want a private conversation or seek private help, send me a PM.
I feel even MORE sorry for you(if that's possible) dude. Reading the story and all. It's not fair for you. The good people always get in trouble so much. I mean brother's and sisters fight for sure, no matter what, but this is too much. Didn't your sis know it was a mistake? Have you tried talking to her?

sorry hear happened hard complication not easy It is very situation issues pretty your personal difficult happened i understand your feeling!

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