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This is revealed in confidence.

I had sex with my girlfriend around 45 minutes a go, now I used a condom but after finishing so to speak I somehow managed to cut my penis.

It's stinging like mad at the moment and it was bleeding allot when it first occurred. It's on one side of the Frenulum and on the actual head itself.

Now my main concern is an infection, this is because it can't be good to have a cut down their especially with urinating, I know it's sterile but it can go back up my urethra.

Now I think it was just stretched to far because it's the bottom of the Frenulum like a small tear with some bruising and grazing as it were above it on the head.

This is not the first time I've had sex either so it's unexpected, very unexpected.

I've Googled and they're talking about anti-septic cream, I live in the UK and I don't have much of a clue about brands etc.

Some support on this matter would be greatly appreciated seeing as this is quite a scary thing.
I heard cuts on your penis hurt. What does it feel like?

EDIT: Try putting neosporin + vaseline on it
I don't see how vaseline would help, it's not anti-septic. Neo-Sporin is American I'm sure.
What does it feel like? I once had a cut but that was because my foreskin got caught in a girls braces

EDIT: buy neosporin on ebay it works

EDIT2: You might find it on craigslist too
Sorry to hear that, sounds like a freak accident which was really unlucky. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you will risk any infections while urinating as urine is as safe a substance as water although it will certainly sting. I'm in the UK as well so as for the cut itself I highly recommend Savlon. It's an antiseptic cream and is particularly useful for these kind of cuts and should be healed in no time. If you think it's allot more serious then you should visit your GP.

sounds painful, i honestly don't even know what to say....

Neosporin would be the best in my opinion
simple, go find a brand of anti-septic solution, you usually have to dilute it, something between 30ml makes 300ml solution, i always have some around the house for... " Accidents "

buy any brand, they all work the same... trust me.
(06-08-2011, 03:58 PM)Deltron Wrote: What does it feel like? I once had a cut but that was because my foreskin got caught in a girls braces

Ouch. That has got to sting a little. Tongue

@Sam I would suggest sterilized bandages. That might help a little. Though I'm not really familiar with cuts of those sort. Usually I get mine on the shaft itself. Pinch
Ow, get it checkout by your docter. A cut on the penis is NOT good.
This is one of the things to go to the doctor for, and not post threads about. Good luck.

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