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Very depressed right now.
This year, at school, I met a wonderful girl in my advisory. We are both very into music as we were(School ended Yeye) both in Jazz Band advisory.

I developed a very good relationship with the girl near the middle of the year. I was going to ask her out about 7 months ago from today, but my friend asked her out(who wasn't her friend, really) and she said yes. I got kind of depressed by this because it took a while to gain the courage(I'm a shy person), but I was just like, "Ok I'll wait."

Then she got with another person, who is no longer my friend, who was a total douche to her after a while.

The other day, I asked her out and she said "no" because "I want to, but I don't want to lose any more friends". She also said when I asked her out "I love having you in my life, just not like that." I think I got stuck in the friendship barrier.

I feel like a fool now for waiting 7 months for her, who I thought was the one. As you know from what I just said about her being the one, you know how deeply I felt for her and how heart broken I was when I received the "no".

Now she has stopped replying to her text messages from me and it's making depressed. What should I do?
Give her some room to breathe. Constantly trying to talk to her will only push her further away from you.

Don't get too down over one girl; there are many more out there.
I wish you luck man its kinda pissed when you get the no answer for the first time.
(06-01-2011, 06:01 PM)Filefinder Wrote: I wish you luck man its kinda pissed when you get the no answer for the first time.

What's even sadder: It's not the first time. I've never had a girlfriend. (I'm not ugly or anything).
(06-01-2011, 06:08 PM)FamousMassacre Wrote: What's even sadder: It's not the first time. I've never had a girlfriend. (I'm not ugly or anything).

That makes it more sadder yes. Did she still talk to you?
Quote:Now she has stopped replying to her text messages from me

I mean, you can't blame her. She did just get asked out by you. It depends on what type of girl she is. If you think she just needs room to conjure up her thoughts, then give her the benefit of the doubt and let her have some space for a while. However, if you think that she's doing this on purpose then this pretty much contradicts her words:

Quote:I love having you in my life

If she does love having you in her life, then she'll talk to you sometime soon. Don't assume that it's all avoidance. Maybe she just needs some room to think. If she DOES do it on purpose, then you should go up to her personally and then talk to her.

If she's giving you excuses, then just call her. Being able to hear her voice is better than stupid texting or something. Or just do it face to face.

If you're unsure whether she's avoiding you or not, then ask her what she thought when you asked her out. Express your feelings.

And some advice. Don't Ever Wait for Someone

Love is a very intricate thing. You can't just think that she was the one if you're waiting for her. Love should just flow naturally. I mean, yes you can impress someone, but you can't basically say "she's mine". Especially after 7 months. If you can prove to her that you're someone special then go for it. If you wait, then the chances are that someone will change their minds about stuff. I think you should had grown courage in the beginning and told her straight up. If you guys both liked each other then the emotions would just flow naturally.

HJT Team. Deltron <3 RDCA <3 Quintus <3
I know how you feel, OP.
It is the worst feeling a man can have, but don't worry. You will find the right girl for you.
[Image: witness.png]
HF- Witness
GT- i be Witness
Honestly, I would go up to her and start talking to her again. By doing that instead of texting, it will show that still care and think about her even though she stopped replying to you. Start talking with her again, if you are able to get back into the friend stage, take her out to eat and to the movies. One on one times break that friendship barrier. Hope all goes well.
Damn, I know what you mean, I had the same thing happen to me with a girl named Rachel. It sucked.
This happens to a lot of people. If not everyone at some point in time. Maybe not the same context but it does.

Let life go with the flow for awhile. Try to talk to her less. When you think about her just think about how much more free you are without her and enjoy yourself.

Bored? Go out with some friends get your mind off her. Start talking to other girls in your school on facebook.

Good luck man.

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