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WTH is Jerry Springer
What the hell is up with Jerry Springer, I watched 30mins of this show last night and in-order this is what happened.
  • Cross dressing man tries to defend his right to wear womens clothes
  • The audience is allowed to hurl abuse like fool, puff and gay fudge etc..
  • Then a fight occurs, the audience chants jerrys name and loads of bouncers just laugh and stop them from fighting.
  • More people come on and a fight starts straight away, jerry just laughs and provokes them.
  • Then someone mentions George Bush and the whole audience chants Bush for president then Jerry for president (guessing it's an old re-run episode)
  • The after everyone has hurled abuse like 2 mins before the end.

  • Jerry goes to the audience gives people who want to speak a microphone lets them say stuff to provoke them (example one guy said to the cros dresser, do you wear panties with them you jerk etc.. fudge your mum is ugly etc)
The audience laughs loads and everyone takes turns insulting them, then when it couldn't get any stupider some woman insulted someone then flashed her breasts to the audience and got given a necklass and a hug from Jerry.

What is this show?

P.S the censor has blocked allot of the words here.

Its a pretty fudged up show.
In England this wouldn't be allowed, such bigoted views.
What's worse is that it's all acting. If it was real, then it might actually be quite funny, but knowing it's not makes it really pointless.
Now two women are completely naked and fighting...
(05-22-2011, 06:40 AM)Sam Wrote: Now two women are completely naked and fighting...

Are you sure that's Jerry Springer you're watching? Lol...
I'm sure dude, it's so stupid but I can't stop watching it.
Haha, it is the most ridiculous thing on TV. On the other hand its funny so I do like to watch it and see how much other people fail at living...
It's called entertainment.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Just a guy and takes peoples disadvantages and makes them his advantage for public entertainment. Its actually quite commedic.

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