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Gaming Black Market is a growing community and also very friendly we are need of Mods/Admins so if you like to watch over a site or solving disputes this is your time.

Looks like a nice forum mate. Wish you luck with that.
The Rules and Guidelines of this section state that "you should comment on at least 2 other review requests before posting your site for review". Please PM me once you have completed what is expected of you and I'll happily open this thread once more. Until then, thread closed.

Quote:1. When posting a new thread use the site or domain name in the title.
2. Only one review thread per 24 hour period. So don't spam threads here.
3. You should comment on at least 2 other review requests before posting your site for review.
4. When making comments make them constructive and civil.
5. Don't forget to rate the thread. Use it to rate the site too.
[Image: 3326yvl.jpg]

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