Wrote another Perl script for xChat. It logs all Highlights to a query window while you are away so it's easy to see all of them when you're back. You can set it On or Off by just typing command "/hilight_on" or "/hilight_off".
I find it very useful because I usually leave my computer running for the night and with this script I can see all the highlights in the morning.
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/f5bb602a3
Originally posted on Punkz0r Blog by me
I find it very useful because I usually leave my computer running for the night and with this script I can see all the highlights in the morning.
use strict;
use warnings;
# Highlight logger by B22stard
# Visit http://punkz0r.planet.ee
my $away = 0; # Automatically on = 1
Xchat::register("Highlight Logger", "1.0", "Highlight Logger");
Xchat::hook_print("Channel Msg Hilight", "highlight");
Xchat::hook_print("Channel Action Hilight", "actionhighlight");
Xchat::hook_command("hilight_on", "hilight_on");
Xchat::hook_command("hilight_off", "hilight_off");
Xchat::print("Loaded: Perl HighLight logger script by B22stard.");
sub hilight_on {
$away = 1;
Xchat::print("Will now log Highlights");
return 1;
sub hilight_off {
$away = 0;
Xchat::print("Will no longer log Highlights");
return 1;
sub highlight {
if ($away) {
my $whom = $_[0][0];
my $text = $_[0][1];
my $chan = Xchat::get_info('channel');
my $serv = Xchat::get_info('server');
Xchat::command("query (HighLights)", "", "$serv");
Xchat::print("$whom\t$text (7$chan, 7$serv)", "(HighLights)", "$serv");
return Xchat::EAT_NONE;
sub actionhighlight {
if ($away) {
my $whom = $_[0][0];
my $text = $_[0][1];
my $chan = Xchat::get_info('channel');
my $serv = Xchat::get_info('server');
Xchat::command("query (HighLights)", "", "$serv");
Xchat::print("$whom\t$text (7$chan, 7$serv)", "(HighLights)", "$serv");
return Xchat::EAT_NONE;
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/f5bb602a3
Originally posted on Punkz0r Blog by me