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[TuT] How to make Magic Effect [TuT]
[Image: howtomakemagiceffect.png]
Hi all. Today i decided to learn you how to make Perfect Magic Effect. This tutorial is very easy to make and also useful.

This is the effect you are going to make:

Now, let's start.
For this tutorial you need:
- PhotoShop
- Free Time

[Image: step1.png]
Open up Photoshop and create a new document, you can do that by going to File>New. You can make the canvas 742px × 557.

[Image: step2p.png]
Make sure your Background is black, if it isn't black go in the layers panel and select the background layer and go to Edit --> Fill --> Use --> Black And then click OK.

[Image: step3w.png]
Create new layer and go over your brush tool, in the brush tool panel click the arrow which will bring you down, select one of the fade looking icons
and change the Master Diameter to 500px (or how much you want)

[Image: step4a.png]
Now what you need to do is go down to the foreground color and make it "Pink Color" and click Okey. Now somewhere on the middle of the canvas press "Left Click", Then Right Click on layer you just made (Layer 1) and go to Blending Options. Next you gonna do is click the "Gradient Overlay" and double click the Gradient Icon or Bar and then double click on the black color and change it to Pink color. Now double click the white color and make it Light Blue Color and click OK.

[Image: step5s.png]
Now you gonna do is create another layer, so now we have 3 layers (Background layer, layer 1 and layer 2). On Layer 2 you actually wanna make a Cloud Effect, Go in Filter --> Render --> Clouds. Now select layer 2 and where it says "Normal" Change it to "Overlay"

[Image: step6e.png]
Next what you need to do is create another layer and in this layer you're gonna have your brush strokes. Now, select your brush tool, go through the properties again and make sure you select one of the fade effects again and change the Master Diameter to 4px. Now change the foreground color to White. Then select the "Pen Tool" (Or just press P), Now it's important to use the settings given up. Now see the picture and select what is selected there:
Now you are gonna make your magic brush strokes, make them wavy like on the picture:
(I know that you can make them better than I)

[Image: step7m.png]
Right click on the "Arrow Icon" and select "Direct Selection Tool", select all of those lines there and you gonna right click and go to "Stroke Path" make sure it is set to brush and check the "Simulate Pressure" box and click OK. Now press the "Delete key" not the "Space button".

[Image: step8f.png]
Now create another Layer (Layer 4), and make sure your brush tool is selected. Then Click Window --> Brushes (or you can press F5) and select the "Scattering" button there, make the "Scatter" to maximum % (1000%) and see the other things from the picture:
Now we need to do is to change our brush size to "5" and now go over all brush strokes you made like on the picture:
[Image: step9.png] Right click on Layer 3 and click "Blending Options" and now what you're gonna do is select the "Outer Glow" then go to "Blend Mode" and Select "Color Dodge" and click Ok. Now right click Layer 3 again and click "Copy Layer Style", Right click layer 4 and "Paste Layer Style" and now you have your Magical Effect.
Now, We're gonna create another layer and select the "Text Tool" (Or press T) and now add your text and right click on your Text Layer and click "Paste Layer Style" and you are done. Now you have your Magic Looking Stuff.

Please reply in this thread if you have any questions about any of the steps do not PM me. I worked hard on this TuT please rate 5**, Also If you follow this TUT please post you final image here so we all see it.

That was all of the tutorial.
If you have any questions
regarding the tutorial
then don't hesitate
to Private Message me.
Have a nice day!
NOTE: I did not invent the idea but this tut is written in my words, my photos, and am sharing it with you guys!
Wow, the end product is really good & your tutorial explains everything pretty well. Good job and keep up the great work! 5/5
Image link is dead. Sad
Hope you update it.
[Image: 9fca555503.png]
I got some swag, do you have it too?
Thank you Delicious for the great comment, anyway Sync™ images are working. If your net sucks then it's not my fault.
Wow, this actually surprised me and worked, end product was outstanding!
I am glad it helped you, Negotiator. You are good in photoshop?
Nice tut man thanks Big Grin
Thank you Unreal, will try to make another tutorial about graphics these days ;)
Great and amazing tutorial like always, John*. Although I've noticed some weird stuff, I have a suspicion that you ... (PM me to resolve this! )
nice guide i will probably use this later ;D

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