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We Xzillerate to technology! We will be providing software and at the moment are promoting our forums Smile. A software company and a tech. forums make us who we are. Seo Marketing Tools will be host there also. Smile Hope it can benefit everyone registering would benefit meSmile. Thank you for your time proceed on with your life Thumbsup.
[Image: banner.jpg]
I'll check it out. Good luck to your site.
Your forum area has way too many forum topics for starting out. It's been a constant complaint i've made on many website showcases becuase almost everyone creates a forum firstly, and when they do, they usually try to do everything at once to get it ready, when really you should still be partially in the development stages when you attract members.

It may seem different at first, but there's a logical reason behind it. How are the members going to feel when they see you making updates and improvements to the site along the way? This shows true dedication from a firsthand perspective. Trust me, i've helped out with many forums in the past and ran a few myself also, not to sound to egotistic though lol. I just like sharing my knowledge with others.

You may also want to get some more elegant images for your website, the forum logo seems really plan, and the others on the main root page of your site seem a bit too simplistic and bright. Try to make contrast with lighter and darker colors, especially on lighter themes like that one.

It was a little strange going from such a bright website to clicking on the forum page, and seeing a really dark theme though lol.

One more thing. Don't add a donation page or anything related to donations directly on the first page. It's the same with legal documents, you may have them there for people to click on if they want to view it, but you shouldn't have it right in their face as the first thing they see when they go to your website. That seems a bit too desperate, and you don't want to give that impression to people who visit your site if you want them to be more frequent visitors.

It's like playing mind games.
I want the forums more dark but I have found a permant theme I want a white one. I like it all bright I thought it reflects a happy place. Also I want the title plain but not the rest. I will not change the amount of topics though for how many i will be adding with think that is about 1/6 of them but I am trying to think of a logical way to not have so many with out adding tabs like a way to make some stay closed. I am looking for new theme ATM thank you for feedback you are a very logical and bright person Infinity so I take all your advice. Would you be able to join?
[Image: banner.jpg]
Another thing, try to stick to the same colors between your forum and your main page. You're forum has a blue color with the black, and your main page on the site has a blue logo, but then it goes down to green text below it.

The way to tie the two together if you're going for a light to black theme between your actual website and the forum would be to keep the blue color scheme on both somehow.

I may join, but i'm a fairly busy person nowadays. However, i'm always willing to help out.

Edit: Another thing I forgot to mention. You need some details on what your website is about on the main page. Add an "About" type of paragraph as the first thing people read when they go to the at link. I didn't have any clue as to what your website was about until I clicked on your forum.
Ok will you add me on msn so I can have a 2nd person judgement before I make a move?
[Image: banner.jpg]
Infinity, you just ripped his forum a new butthole.
(03-26-2011, 09:10 PM)SeePlusPlus Wrote: Infinity, you just ripped his forum a new butthole.

He is just helping.

And Focus you do not need two threads. I'll contact you on msn.
(03-26-2011, 09:10 PM)SeePlusPlus Wrote: Infinity, you just ripped his forum a new butthole.

lol no, he's done okay so far, it would only take a bit of editing and if he's dedicated to this website then it can be a success.

Any website has potential if there's a good idea involved. Say he comes out with a good program that he puts on his website. I see a Software area, so there's potential there (possibly).
I like it. The design, and everything. Though, I've only checked the home page. So far, it's good. Looks like it will be successful.

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Thread Author Replies Views Last Post ImFocuzz 7 1,853 03-26-2011, 07:39 PM
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