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I'm starting to actually hate my best friends
It's just annoying..I have same problem but they stop after a bit if you don't let them know you're annoyed or make fun of them back.
Atleast that's what I did, I'm like hey bro you got no nose you have a beak and stuff like that they get mad too and stop.
Note: Their not you friends to start off with if they make fun of you, but you have to confront them about it first. Tell them that you really dislike the jokes they make up and the way they talk to you. If they continue after this, they aren't your friends. You don't need people like that, don't let their words put you down. Stop hanging out with them and find some new friends possibly.
& when they make fun of you, don't entertain them, ignore them.
Grammar, that is bad advice. They ARE his friends, they are just immature and don't realize it is hurting.
Unfortunately you're at the kind of age when people think It's funny to say anything hurtful. They don't necessarily do it to hurt you but then they can't actually tell that it is. I absolutely hated my later years in school. Even if there was something so miniscule as "out of proportion" or somebody did something differently to somebody else there would be a lot of jokes/comments about it day in and day out.

What you can personally ascertain is that you're obviously more mature then them. As you get older bonds start to break. My advice to you is simply try to rough it out, perhaps tell them to stop, it won't make you appear weak in anyway. Maybe they'll realize that It's something that they shouldn't be saying and hopefully stop.

At the end of the day your life is always changing. When you go to your next school, or even a college like I did. You'll find yourself not talking to your group of friends at home and find you're socializing with different people. Just trust me, try and rough it out. You said you only had 3 months left, right?
You NEED to tell them how it makes you feel. If they actually care about you they'll make an effort to stop. If they don't, either wait out until next year and act as if you're fine, or tell them off and find a new crowd to hang out with.

I'm just like you, but in high school. It sucks. My friends aren't as smart as I, and they actually get angry because they tell me that I "try to act smart" when it's just who I am. People can be so insensitive, especially in groups where they feel more powerful.

I think the thing we both need to understand is that things like this won't matter in the long run. Soon, they'll be irrelevant. You'll look back at this thread in a while and think about how silly you were to effect something so minuscule effect your life. Honestly, things will get better. The first step to making things improve is realizing how NOT important these friends are, especially if they treat you so poorly after asking them to stop.
One day, your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.
To be honest, try not to take it so hardly. Just kind of laugh back around. But if you really don't like it, confront them about it. Ask them to stop or you can do what I did when I had some friends that were kind of jerks to me. Just quit talking to them period, and when they come back to you asking why just be like you've changed and turned into a jerk. They will most likely apologize and try to start again. Good luck!

(03-24-2011, 05:45 PM)Shakespeare Wrote: I doubt they're doing it to hurt me, but sometimes the comments really are mean, but like I said, it's hard to fight back when I'm ganged up on by all of them.

That is straight up immature, so you hate it when people make fun of them so you make fun of them back? Nice job bro.. Not.

I would recommend you ditch them or punch one in the face to get your message across.
Just ask them to stop, and if they don't stop then stop being their friend. Simple bruh.
The "immature" defense applies only if they are completely ignorant of how annoying, insulting and hurtful their behaviour is.

Once you tell them, they have a choice to respect your feelings or not. If they don't, you have to think seriously about the dynamics of the friendship. Don't feel like you have to remain friends with them, because the stress it causes is unhealthy.

There are others who can contribute more happiness to your life, the sooner that you ease yourself from toxic individuals.
(03-28-2011, 02:55 PM)Eve Wrote: The "immature" defense applies only if they are completely ignorant of how annoying, insulting and hurtful their behaviour is.

Once you tell them, they have a choice to respect your feelings or not. If they don't, you have to think seriously about the dynamics of the friendship. Don't feel like you have to remain friends with them, because the stress it causes is unhealthy.

There are others who can contribute more happiness to your life, the sooner that you ease yourself from toxic individuals.

That last sentence was great. So great that I made it my status on facebook, haha.
One day, your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.

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