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Practice makes Perfect!
Not in a video game, but for a sport yes.
I've spent years playing both WoW and CoD.

Not trying to brag, but I'm more than exceptionally good at both of them.

3 year knifing veteran - CoD4 for the PC

3 year Rogue veteran BC-WotLK-Cata/ WoW
No you must be a no life if you do that. Almost 90% of people go straight into a public match without even playing story mode. This included me for blackops and mw2. I remember getting crap on my first game.
It is absolutely fact. I used to do this a lot on Halo 3. I would explore each map for hiding spots, special jumps, etc. that could help me out whilst playing other online. I found that they do in fact come in handy from time to time. It is always done.

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(03-13-2011, 09:50 PM)GrammarPhreak Wrote: Do you guys actually practice a game to get PERFECT at it. Like on COD ONLINE, do you actually play a private match by yourself & look for spots to get the most kills or like on Blackops, do you play against the "bots" & practice to get PERFECT? Or for any other games...

Do you?

PLay Gamebattles even tho you prob lose you get better
Yes I do, When MW2 came out I kept practicing at quick scoping until I got pro at it.
Not particularily, If i find somewhere pretty good, i'll use it.. Thats about it.
Usually I learn by dying again, again, and again online if it's a shooter without that big of a story mode. Learning how to play well shouldn't be a chore, it should be fun.
[Image: 1249325580.jpg]
If the sky is the limit, then I'll build a bridge up to it. If I make it back, I'd still want more, more. - Craig Owens
There is no such thing as perfect at an online FPS.
Every player makes different decisions which ca contradict your decisions.

Just play a lot and then you know what noobs do and what good players do, so you know how to defend against it.

Like Halo 3 is perfect example because that's the only game I played competitive, if you kill a good player on lower level of a map, he usually comes back at your from higher level, and a noob will chase you when a good player will go to where your going to be.

It's all little aspects in thinking that makes you good at games.
[Image: baked1.png]
yes and no, i do clan practices , like 4v4's and what not, but not against the combat trainning bots lol

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