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Hm, This is weird.
Well throughout the march break, I was mostly just chillin' at home.
I went to my friends and partied a few days, but for the most part.. I was at home and not feeling good.

Well I met this girl ( From HF :o) and we talked for like ever, and it's just weird cause she's cool and nice, but I know she's from southern states and I'm from Canada.

I need to find a girl that is cool like her but is in my reach, I just can't understand how I like her so much, she's just so different.. All the girls in my town are stuck up or just care to much about what people think, this girl seems like she could careless.

I don't really know what the point of this thread is, I just needed to get this out. We talked for like 9 hours one night, then like 8 hours the next night and then all night another night, she's sang for me (Video of her playing guitar and singing) <3 and has made me a sign Big Grin

I wish I lived 5000 miles south, I could meet her. She's seen me in pictures and stuff but I don't have a cam so she has technically "seen" me, she added me on Facebook and looked at my pictures.

She's boosted my confidence as well, like I always thought I wasn't that good with girls, but she says "I'm different then usual guys." I don't know what that means, but it's awesome.

Okay well I'll stop now, I just needed to release my thoughts somewhere.

[Image: baked1.png]
Not much you can do here. You two are very distant from each other, so that's a BIG problem. Maybe over the summer or something, you two could pick a place to meet or something like that. If not, since she has boosted your confidence, now you have the confidence to go talk to another girl that you thought that was out of your lead. There out there buddy, you just have to keep looking & don't be afraid to go after them.
(03-21-2011, 06:45 AM)GrammarPhreak Wrote: Not much you can do here. You two are very distant from each other, so that's a BIG problem. Maybe over the summer or something, you two could pick a place to meet or something like that. If not, since she has boosted your confidence, now you have the confidence to go talk to another girl that you thought that was out of your lead. There out there buddy, you just have to keep looking & don't be afraid to go after them.

Yeah thanks man, it's just hard to find a good girl.
Like this girl seems perfect for me, I don't know why we just have similar views and thoughts on things.

Obviously a few things are different, but it's like we bond unusually. I just wish I could meet a girl like her in real life, I'd have her in the bag ;)

I hate how that always happens to me, once something like this comes up, another thing will come up as well. This girl and I are bonding well, but she lives across the continent. Just like the one girl I liked, she was my best childhood friend's ex, like she liked me and everything but I just didn't feel good taking her from my buddy.

Just sucks.
[Image: baked1.png]
(03-21-2011, 06:51 AM)Baked Wrote: Yeah thanks man, it's just hard to find a good girl.
Like this girl seems perfect for me, I don't know why we just have similar views and thoughts on things.

Obviously a few things are different, but it's like we bond unusually. I just wish I could meet a girl like her in real life, I'd have her in the bag ;)

I hate how that always happens to me, once something like this comes up, another thing will come up as well. This girl and I are bonding well, but she lives across the continent. Just like the one girl I liked, she was my best childhood friend's ex, like she liked me and everything but I just didn't feel good taking her from my buddy.

Just sucks.

I understand, when everything seems like it going great, something always gets in the way. There's other out there buddy, you just have to go after them. Maybe one day, you and her will meet up somewhere, completely surprised.
(03-21-2011, 06:54 AM)GrammarPhreak Wrote: I understand, when everything seems like it going great, something always gets in the way. There's other out there buddy, you just have to go after them. Maybe one day, you and her will meet up somewhere, completely surprised.

Oh my god, if that happened it would be like meant to be.
I think she would think the same, it would be entirely put together by fate.

I think anyway.
[Image: baked1.png]
Distance is relative. If you haven't traveled much, Canada and southern US can seem far apart.

If travel between your current locations are more expensive than international offers, you can be creative about planning where to meet. There are plenty of low-cost flights to UK, European or Pacific destinations.

(03-22-2011, 01:49 AM)Eve Wrote: Distance is relative. If you haven't traveled much, Canada and southern US can seem far apart.

If travel between your current locations are more expensive than international offers, you can be creative about planning where to meet. There are plenty of low-cost flights to UK, European or Pacific destinations.

Yeah, I guess so. You seem like you've traveled a lot, I've been to southern states and stuff but haven't been far a lot.

Mostly just little trips to southern Ontario, I'm actually going to keep talking to her, until the summer.. See where that gets us.
[Image: baked1.png]
You can sneak on a plane going her route.
I <3 Iceybunneh best friend and fun to mess with!

[Image: iklW6C.png]

- Never LIE
- Never CHEAT
- Never SteaL
Baked my friend, the answer for your problem is really simple. You want to know how to find a girl has sweet as she is in your place right?
Ok the answer is..
Well you'll get it soon. The most common problem about this situations is: Ok she's simply awesome and stuff. you wish the girls in your city or w/e were like her. And THAT'S the REAL problem.
DON'T expect to find someone like her! NEVER but I mean NEVER try to find similar people to who you've dated or hang out.

Simple tip: Pay more attention.
What you must do:
Ok, at your school or job or w/e try to find your "victim". She DOESN'T have to be like this one you've told us about. As a matter of fact, YOU can change someones life, and personality completely once you both follow in love. Ok, focous on that girl. Don't mind what she does wrong that you like. Get to know her.

Again I'm going to tell you my story.
I was a complete butthead. Dated like 1-2 a week, every week. Get tired of them and dumped them. And then one day I met this girl. She was like, IDK, different. Well at the first she didn't look much different but after a week or two of talkin each and every day I realised she WAS indeed different from all the others I've ever met. What got my interest at first was that she actually played hard. Bla bla bla, weeks passed and she told me what she likes in boys, and I was like.. fudge I'm an arse, I do nothing of those thing but I'm sorta following in love. So yeah I started to change, even without realising what was happening. And then yeah she says to me all the time that I suprised her in a positive way cuz in the outside I looked totally different. And now we are together for about 18 months :3
My personal record.

Don't "lock" yourself for that girl you're talking about. Go for something different. Completely diff girls can make you feel the same or even better. You're young, you've got time to try. Get to know some of the girls in your place, I mean, REALLY get to know her, get into deep convos. If she has no brains for that then just give up on her and try anothre :3

Easy as hell :3
[Image: leaocomletras2.png]
Hurt the one you love and you'll be hurting your life. 'Nuff said.
I think the tendency to travel arises out of social influence and personal purpose: if you don't know anyone with an international passport, or you don't imagine any reason for going elsewhere, the issue simply doesn't arise.

Your story sounds sweet and it seems that you both bring happiness to the other. Until or unless you feel that the happiness is not worth it, I encourage you to enjoy the relationship.

(03-22-2011, 07:01 AM)KillaMuvZ Wrote: As a matter of fact, YOU can change someones life, and personality completely once you both follow in love.

... She was like, IDK, different. Well at the first she didn't look much different but after a week or two of talkin each and every day I realised she WAS indeed different from all the others I've ever met. What got my interest at first was that she actually played hard.

I agree that it is psychologically possible to focus on creating a relationship with (theoretically) any girl within certain parameters. Logically it is a practical concept, if you accept that attraction is a matter of irrational sentiment and sexual chemistry.

But then, I am an irrational sentimentalist - a romantic.

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