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Gamers Group - Recruiting
Before beginning, I'd like to say I do realize there is a pending group for gamers here. I'm only making this group because I am going to dedicate a lot of my time into it, I am well qualified and I'll prove it below, and we will be spread across every gaming platform. His group has no real motive, mine does. All kiddiness aside.

I currently own an xbox 360, wii, all handhelds, gamecube, ps3(sold it because of Sony's recent events), nintendo 64, ps1, and atari. Obviously they are shared between me and my brothers but I have been gaming since I was 2. From watching my brother play Majoras Mask to watching them play Halo 1 to me actually playing Team Fortress 2 or Halo: Reach. I know a lot about a lot of games. I know the glitches, the mods, the tips, and I probably have played most games competitively. You will see a big rise in my posting of popular and current gaming news to try and get more gamers on SF interested. I am also on the Promotions team of the popular gaming forum so you'll have the first look of current news! I have also been a referee on in the past.

I have big plans for this group, like subdivisions and Gamebattles teams. For now we will be very general about it. We'll simply cover every gaming console, including PC. Once we get accepted and have a lot of active members we'll have a Call of Duty division, Halo division, Retro division, etc. It is all to be determined.

Group Name: Gamers
Group Image:[Image: ESJYD.png]
Group Mission: The leaders will be posting current and interesting news on gaming from validated sources. The members will simply be a group of Gamers on a wide variety of platforms with ONE common goal which is to play video games. The only thing that makes us different is sportsmanship. We will not be a badass group of players who go around trash talking.

In team games; we play the objective; communicate, and show sportsmanship. There is no being an ass and before accepting you...a leader will play with you to determine if your quality enough.

We also do not condone modding. No 15th prestige lobbies, and hitting people offline, etc. We are looking for legitimate players only. You do not have to be good, but you need to try and show sportsmanship. You must be willing to help out members on SupportForums, players in the game, and people who have gaming questions in general.

This is a slow but sure attempt at restoring the gaming community; in this case for Xbox360. It is going downhill and we must correct it!

Currently I will only be interviewing 'in game' for Xbox 360.

Group Requirements:
  • Extensive knowledge in gaming on multiple platforms
  • Ability to show sportsmanship and help other players/members improve their gaming experience
  • Longtime Gamer
  • 100 posts on SupportForums
  • Active users on SF only
  • Willing to find and post current gaming news
  • Have an aim username
  • Agreeing to have read every singled word in thread Smile

[color=#DAA520]Nickname / Alias:[/color]
[color=#DAA520]What Consoles do you Own and Actively Use:[/color]
[color=#DAA520]Why you want to join:[/color]
[color=#DAA520]How did you find SupportForums:[/color]
[color=#DAA520]What is your opinion on "shell booters?"[/color]
[color=#DAA520]Do you meet all of the group requirements? Elaborate.[/color]
[color=#DAA520]How long have you been a gamer; and do you even consider yourself one?[/color]
[color=#DAA520]How can I contact you? Aim, email, gamertag, psn id, steam id, etc. Tell everything you feel comfortable with.[/color]

Thank you for reading and hopefully we get some great members! Please take as much time as you need on your application.
It's just a group. Neither is official so it doesn't matter.
Post if you are applying or enquiring.
So is this the official group or what?
No, there is no official group yet. I will need ten members before being considered. Do know, this will be a very active group and won't just be a 'title' to have.
So can I sign up here?
Yup, just post an application using the format in the op.
I thought the requirement was 100 posts though from the first post, he's got 64 for now
(03-13-2011, 05:47 PM)Infinity Wrote: I thought the requirement was 100 posts though from the first post, he's got 64 for now

I'll still let him apply, I just won't respond to the application until the requirements are met.
I'll apply now but, when I get 100 posts I will notify you "Laugh". I do not want to rush into it, I put effort into my post.
Just to let you know the first "Gamers Group" is still in the groups section ;)

NekoChan made it.

I am just stating that.
- Shock!

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