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Your name?
James yeah that's it... Unless someone changed it while I was distracted.
Check the back of your dollar bills. Yeah, right there next to the eye.
Mine originated from a dream in my early childhood.Moreover I was told never to reveal what the H stood for. Ever since I have used this name for everything. It's bloody weird I know.
[Image: sinaturee.png]
(02-06-2011, 08:32 PM)h-boy Wrote: Mine originated from a dream in my early childhood.Moreover I was told never to reveal what the H stood for. Ever since I have used this name for everything. It's bloody weird I know.

Oh my god now I am curious. What does the h stand for?
Mine is Omega, but with the Greek omega sign. I didn't really get it from anywhere, I just thought of it and created it.
Mine is my name followed by my birth-date.
I'd gotten some of my earlier usernames from people that I admired. Now I mostly just use whatever comes to mind. My name off of Omni's sites is Assangha and I guess I just made that one up.
[Image: Zephie_Sig_by_GKmero.png]
My irl name is Deni,so i mixed Deni and "rules" word = Denirulz.
I just made my username up. There is actually no explanation to where it is from, but i've always wanted to be unique so that's what i came up with.

[Image: siggp.png]
Mine came to me in a dream, kind of weird. I don't remember it very well though.
[Image: l9JyP.png]

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