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How many came from HF?
I am also from HF. Smile
I bet most of us came from there and we all are HF refugees.
[Image: death.png]
(01-23-2011, 01:22 PM)Death Trap™ Wrote: I bet most of us came from there and we all are HF refugees.

Same are just here to spam "Why is HF offline" "HF isn't working" But I'm banned so I'm a refugee.
I am, and so are a lot of people
Im pretty sure everyone here came from HF, If not all of us haha. Too bad not many people stay active, or else this community would be even greater.
[Image: zcorpse.png]
I came from Hack Forums, but that shouldn't mean anything. I'll post here every once in awhile.
I came from HF Aswell :p
Many people are from HF Smile
yes , I came from HF too Smile
I came from HF and I thought everyone on here was lmao I guess I was wrong XD
i come from HF too but you cant compare the two chalk and cheese maybe maybe LoL............SF is so much more chilled out and enjoyable.And two you dont get all the flaming and the^competition between the members here.
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