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Losing weight?
Hello, i am wanting to lose weight i would like to lose 20-40 lbs. I currently am

height: ~6'0
Metabolism: Slow

I would like to know what people think i should do to lose weight, i need stuff i can do during winter, and spring. I currently skateboard, but i cant to it very much during winter. Ask anymore questions that you need.
[Image: psychois21.png]
Every time you have a meal, imagine what and how much you want, then cut it in half.
[Image: csx47jm4kbi80w88ajnf.png]
I dont eat much, at all. probably little bit less then i should truthfully, i dont always eat the most healthy stuff, but i never eat very much.
[Image: psychois21.png]
If your looking to keep it simple than just do push ups everytime you start a new COD match lol you could get 100 push ups a day if you play alot! worked for me when i played COD.
[Image: bustedtees.07e3d5a3-8bf6-4c9a-8f85-5bccf2e28120.gif]
You mentioned not eating much, this can actually contribute to a weight problem, it causes your metabolism to slow down even further. You should obviously start working out and if you would like, you could take a cutting agent such as hydroxycut, which helps you burn a lot of fat, assuming you're working out of course. Also, throw some cardio in there, minimum half an hour per day, no exceptions man. You want a relatively large amount of weight lost and you're going to have to put in some commitment to get it done.

Also change the foods you eat, instead of a burger and fries, have a chicken breast and some rice or a salad with chicken and a light dressing. It's the little things like that that add up over time and you will start to see progress, it won't be easy but you will love the results.

Without some more information on the results of trying a steady diet and exercise I can't really give much further advice.
(01-25-2011, 08:54 AM)Swat Runs Train Wrote: You mentioned not eating much, this can actually contribute to a weight problem, it causes your metabolism to slow down even further. You should obviously start working out and if you would like, you could take a cutting agent such as hydroxycut, which helps you burn a lot of fat, assuming you're working out of course. Also, throw some cardio in there, minimum half an hour per day, no exceptions man. You want a relatively large amount of weight lost and you're going to have to put in some commitment to get it done.

Also change the foods you eat, instead of a burger and fries, have a chicken breast and some rice or a salad with chicken and a light dressing. It's the little things like that that add up over time and you will start to see progress, it won't be easy but you will love the results.

Without some more information on the results of trying a steady diet and exercise I can't really give much further advice.
I have never tried a diet because of not being the cooker, and i am very willing to put commitment into it, but can you reccomend some ways to do cardio during winter?? and i love working out man, but my dad lost his job which we really relied on and we cant afford gym. I also almost never eat burgers or fries, i love fruits and vegetables and eat quiet a bit of chicken. i would love any help you can give me man, i can see you know what your doing.
[Image: psychois21.png]
(01-25-2011, 02:36 PM)R4GE_Xy-Cliche Wrote: I have never tried a diet because of not being the cooker, and i am very willing to put commitment into it, but can you reccomend some ways to do cardio during winter?? and i love working out man, but my dad lost his job which we really relied on and we cant afford gym. I also almost never eat burgers or fries, i love fruits and vegetables and eat quiet a bit of chicken. i would love any help you can give me man, i can see you know what your doing.

Well push-ups and sit-ups are a great start as far as working out, do as many as you can, take a 1-2 minute break then aim for one less than you did the time before or perhaps even the same. Do about 10 sets, then the next day, try and do one more per set and add an extra set on as well, example; 10 sets starting at 10 repitions one day, 11 sets starting at 11 repetitions the next etc.

Get 2 4L (1 gallon) milk jugs (empty of course) and fill them up with water, be sure to tape the cap on. Use these to workout your delts (shoulder muscles) by raising them up to your sides, as if "flapping" your "wings", then do "hitlers" which, you guessed it, is raising them up like the infamous Nazi salute.

Do squats to workout your legs, start from a standing position and bend your knees, making sure to hold your arms out in fromt of you for balance, once again, do sets of these similar to push-ups and sit-ups.

As for cardio, nothing gets your blood flowing and your heart pumping like stairs, it may seem boring but you have to do what you have to do, throw in some headphones and go at it for a solid half hour, stairs are also a great workout for your legs. Obviously you will need breaks but keep them short, 1-2 minutes to catch your breath and get a drink then back at it.

As far as supplements to help you burn fat, that's something you would be better off asking the guys at a specialty store geared towards that kind of stuff, the only ones I have any knowledge about are hydroxycut and ephedrine, ephedrine being illegal in most parts of the USA.

Don't take this the wrong way but were you always this weight? Or is it a more recent thing?
(01-25-2011, 02:54 PM)Swat Runs Train Wrote: Well push-ups and sit-ups are a great start as far as working out, do as many as you can, take a 1-2 minute break then aim for one less than you did the time before or perhaps even the same. Do about 10 sets, then the next day, try and do one more per set and add an extra set on as well, example; 10 sets starting at 10 repitions one day, 11 sets starting at 11 repetitions the next etc.

Get 2 4L (1 gallon) milk jugs (empty of course) and fill them up with water, be sure to tape the cap on. Use these to workout your delts (shoulder muscles) by raising them up to your sides, as if "flapping" your "wings", then do "hitlers" which, you guessed it, is raising them up like the infamous Nazi salute.

Do squats to workout your legs, start from a standing position and bend your knees, making sure to hold your arms out in fromt of you for balance, once again, do sets of these similar to push-ups and sit-ups.

As for cardio, nothing gets your blood flowing and your heart pumping like stairs, it may seem boring but you have to do what you have to do, throw in some headphones and go at it for a solid half hour, stairs are also a great workout for your legs. Obviously you will need breaks but keep them short, 1-2 minutes to catch your breath and get a drink then back at it.

As far as supplements to help you burn fat, that's something you would be better off asking the guys at a specialty store geared towards that kind of stuff, the only ones I have any knowledge about are hydroxycut and ephedrine, ephedrine being illegal in most parts of the USA.

Don't take this the wrong way but were you always this weight? Or is it a more recent thing?
skinny till about 4th grade when ever most peoples metabolism goes up mine slowed, then i started gaining weight, then iv recently started losing it in the last 6 or so months iv lost like 10-15 pounds. and i dont have any stairs around here lol, any other ideas?
[Image: psychois21.png]
(01-25-2011, 02:57 PM)R4GE_Xy-Cliche Wrote: skinny till about 4th grade when ever most peoples metabolism goes up mine slowed, then i started gaining weight, then iv recently started losing it in the last 6 or so months iv lost like 10-15 pounds. and i dont have any stairs around here lol, any other ideas?

Was there any serious dietary changes that went along with this slowing of your metabolism? You may actually not be eating enough and that could be causing your slow metabolism, it's hard to say.

If you eat before bed at the moment, don't. Your body pretty much turns that directly into fat as, obviously, when sleeping, you burn very few calories.

As far as cardio then I would have to say jumping jacks lol, lots of them. Same idea as with the push-ups, as many as you can in a row, lots of sets.

Try throwing in extra walking distance any where you can, do a few laps around the school at lunch, it's little stuff like that that will add up over time and help, it all helps to be honest.

One supplement that just popped into my mind is fish oil, it's dirt cheap and helps your body metabolise fat as well as providing some essential nutrients. It can be found almost anywhere, drug stores, grocery stores etc.
(01-25-2011, 03:20 PM)Swat Runs Train Wrote: Was there any serious dietary changes that went along with this slowing of your metabolism? You may actually not be eating enough and that could be causing your slow metabolism, it's hard to say.

If you eat before bed at the moment, don't. Your body pretty much turns that directly into fat as, obviously, when sleeping, you burn very few calories.

As far as cardio then I would have to say jumping jacks lol, lots of them. Same idea as with the push-ups, as many as you can in a row, lots of sets.

Try throwing in extra walking distance any where you can, do a few laps around the school at lunch, it's little stuff like that that will add up over time and help, it all helps to be honest.

One supplement that just popped into my mind is fish oil, it's dirt cheap and helps your body metabolise fat as well as providing some essential nutrients. It can be found almost anywhere, drug stores, grocery stores etc.
not very many diet things, i did try fish oil pills, then just stopped for some reason, they did seem to work. Thanks swat, if you think of anything else hit me up.
[Image: psychois21.png]

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