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guide to self harm [cutting]
this next guide focuses on self harm [cutting only].
again,please add views/opinions on layout and so on,thanks very much!




cutting is a form of self harm,which humans do to themselves when they lack the essential coping skills to do it in alternative ways.
it is often used to communicate,tell people how they feel-translate it into something visual so they themselves and others can understand something bad is going on.
for some people,they do it for the feel of blood-and the feel of the cut as it makes them 'feel human'.
for some people,it is to communicate much more because they are communicatively and emotively impaired.

by cutting,it releases special neurochemicals in the brain which are akin to synthetic opiate painkillers,this numbs the mind to stop us focusing on our thoughts,and it makes us feel better,or just numb instead of suffering.
unfortunately,like with manmade drugs,people do get addicted to this chemical release without relealising and end up cutting themselves just to get a fix;

people use all kinds of tools to cut themselves with,it often can depend on how desperate they are.
different people,cut in different places-some people cut in places that are very hidden so no one can see what they are doing,but others see relieving the pain or issues they are going through as a bigger priority over how they appear to others,some people dont realise what others see, and some do not care-as it may get them the help they need.


there are many,many stereotypes and generalisations of SH/cutting from people who do not understand the practice.
-people do not seem to understand the term attention seeking,and associate it with something very negative or childish-like someone to be avoided.
in some cases,yes-cutting is attention seeking but not in the way this stereotype sees it,many cut as they dont know any other way to let the people around them know something is seriously going on inside them/inside their head,that is seeking attention,but not in the silly way people see cutters as doing.

most people who cut,are doing it to self harm rather than attempt suicide.
it is a very difficult way to attempt suicide with unless people know their biology.

cutters are not weak people,they just deal with issues differently,and may not have been taught as many coping skills in life as other people,it doesnt mean they are weak or have less life experience.

cutters can contribute a heck of a lot to society,given the support to get through their means of desperate self help,if anything they can have more positives at the end of it,because they are generaly more open minded to how different we can all be.
forget the marks,people dont care if it came from a house fire so it shoudnt be any different if someone had once relied on cutting.


common causes of cutting are a lack of coping skills/self help to communicate or deal with feelings or issues going on,along with several other areas more common to classic autism-sensory seeking and communicating due to communication impairment.


this is the bad cycle of cutting.
>>---we try cutting to help ourself---
-we notice it distracts us.
-we start to relie on cutting,by doing more and more.
-we dont immediately notice this chemical mask of our problems.
-we cut deeper,we start to wonder why we are cutting even when there is no issue as such.
-we look for sharper tools,and get even more secretive.
-someone finds our stash of cutting gear,and mentaly affects us............
>>---we try cutting to help ourself-----


we can break this bad cycle by realising there are far better and far safer coping skills out there for us,and we need to realise we do not need pain to cancel another form of it out!
cutters who find themselves focusing on cutting for no real reason like when they started out also need to realise they are addicted to the release of the neurochemicals released by cutting.

getting a pyschiatrist or pyschologist involved is the best step,who can teach some very good skills on how to cope instead,they can also prescribe medication which may help with removing the cutting.
was prescribed a maximum doseage of an SNRI in october and once they had kicked in the entire reliance on cutting [and carotid strangling,though wont go into that here] had completely disappeared.

art is a good one to get the inner side out,try it-just some paints,brush and paper,doesnt have to be actual objects-see what the mind draws.

using ice cubes or elastic bands on wrist [pulling the bands tight then letting go] are widely used,though dont work for everyone.

try writing to a councilor,will probably just get to the stage of writing it, may not need to send it even:

-even if people make crappy comments about the cutting,remember there are so many people who go through,or have been through the same thing.
forget the ones who have no understanding of it.


think about getting help,even if its from a teacher,tutor,doctor, neighbour,friend,a relative etc-someone very trustworthy and open minded/non judgemental.
if it woud make it easier,write them a letter-explaining how are going through a very dificult patch at the moment,and trust them more than anyone.
state are just looking for support,what to do,maybe they can speak to parents on behalf if they are an adult and self=a child/teen?
tell them are self harming because cannot cope,and are desperate for some help.
-hopefuly that shoud widen peoples views a bit better, instead of any judgementalism.

online support forums for people who self harm are useful,especialy if are not at the stage of revealing all yet,just avoid getting to personal [eg,full name,location etc] to avoid people who know self realising who it is.


-speaking purely as an ex cutter [though recently had a slip up] and wanting to save non cutters or short term cutters the damage,woud strongly advise to get help to give it up now or do not start it.
cutting long term damages nerves-cant personaly feel heat at all on arm or back of hand,though do have accute difficulties with feeling any pain at all due to autism,this particular aspect is something that has worsened through cutting.
-it also looks the arm of a burns victim,though in own case it isnt an issue-
for some people how they look is a big issue.
-it makes it harder for nurses and anaesthetists to give injections,as they do not like doing it on the site of cutting whether its old or not.


everyone has the ability to have a self confidence,the main difference between us all though is not all of us have found one,or it may be different to how we percieve it.

type down on computer,or write down on a piece of paper-all the things are good at,as well as like doing.
for example:
-good with animals?
-good at swimming/some other sport?
-good at making people laugh?
-good at shopping?
-good at decorating? etc and so on,write as many as able to think of,doesnt matter if its something that think is to low a task or to high, put it on there.

once its full of good things [bet everyone coud fill a page] do some nice art or crafty things around it,stick it on a larger coloured piece of card or paper,then stick it on the wall-somewhere are likely to see every day.
do the same thing again,but with a list of all the things woud like to do,dont put time limits on-scribble them out with a marker when complete each of those.

every single human on the earth will be appreciated for something or other,so be proud,build confidence in self.

stop thinking are of lower inteligence,putting together complex statements on a forum,is a sign it isnt low inteligence so stick that middle finger up at any ignorant who ever says are low IQ,woud wonder if that woud be called latent low inteligence akin with latent homosexuality [sigmund freuds theory that its the ones who insult others with it the most that they are clauset experiencers themselves].
ANY person who negatively attempts to affect someone elses confidence shoud be blanked,remember-do not become a victim to emotional fatigue and a loss of confidence through other peoples problems.
confidence issues are often a precursor to SH so had added a little in.

[Image: kittcrew.jpg]
Very nice and well written tutorial. Could use better punctuation but still nice.
If this had perfected grammar. Then it would be an A.
great guide, I learned something today! thanks! very interesting guides so far. Maybe make/find one on girls!
[Image: t5BWm.png]
Very nice tutorial. Thanks. :3 You might try to fix the grammar to make it more presentable.
[Image: death.png]
Very nice tut, at first I thought it was a tut advocating the practice but I see that it's not now. Very nice guide though.
I just wanted to say wtf dude, but good job, mate. Big Grin
Yes, I am the one you think I am.
Therefore I'm everything.
hi Sam,Lith,L3g1tWa5te,Death Trap™,SleepyTroll & z†cĸα, thanks for the comments,much appreciated!

as there is a common point from everyone,will write to it as one-grammar is a big issue,am learning disabled [functionaly] which affects academics,having c/autism also causes issues as there are to many 'steps' to getting grammar checked-affecting information processing and short term memory-the process then requires the help of mum or a s/staff which removes any independance, sorry have never mentioned it on here before -will write a quick explanation in signature,have got several other little issues on top that also can affect it,night meds... Omg

not sure what have meant exactly by make one on girls?
does it seem to gender specific?
am female,just not of the stereotyped....type.
if have missed anything out,will add in,just useless at 'girlie' stuff,still if there is something specific that woud like-may actualy know it. Unsure

-by the way,everything written in this guide [and the others have done] are from own mind/experience only,dont like the idea of copying even when its honest and names are used.

yeah,its never something woud recommend as self help,as a [mostly] ex cutter,it woud be very wrong to make a tut saying dont do this or that, when have been the one doing it,so informing on all sides but explaining what can happen as someone who has seen the end of it gives an added view into the world of cutting,that people shoud certainly think again given the choice.
the nerve damage is definitely the worst in own view,can tell a real difference between both arms,and one thing had forgotten to add actualy is the pressure off family when they find out about it,though not all of them react the same way.

thanks z†cĸα!

-one thing one to add-does the font colours look ok,and sizes,are they freaking anyones eyes out?
[Image: kittcrew.jpg]
Good guide but I am going to disagree with the part about cutters being weak people and attention seekers, I honestly think they are. Every person in this world has their own issues, doesn't mean you should cry and harm yourself. I personally wasn't taught any "coping skills", that's something that you develop on your own through experience, self harm is a suree sign of instability, mentally and often socially. So as such, they would be "weaker people" in that sense.

Also, it is clinically proven that self harm is a cry for help, so it is attention seeking by definition.

Other than that, a good tutorial.
^ Guest, People who cut themselves are actually not attention seekers, or weak people. Maybe mentally week, and have no idea what to do, but this is the state of mind they were put in by their surroundings. They haven't mentally learned how to handle the type of situation that put them in the state. But they definatly are NOT attention seekers.

If you were talking from experience, like me, i'd understand what you're saying. But other than that, go home. Don't come back.

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