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I've been in many fights and none where started by me.
I have never lost a fight. Big Grin
So many of them where in rugby, it was great fun. If anyone hit one of my teammates I was right in there. Tongue
We had a fight club in my old school which was held during lunch in the changing room. (where giant rooms, I was at a snobby school) Was funny the excuses people gave to teachers when they where bleeding.
[Image: burninglove4.png]
Street fights 20 won 15.
[Image: zjxhqb.png]
First to Fight Last to Leave Hoorah!!
I'm the best at fighting from my class. I can beat everybody. Just hit the opponent at the head, at the face, at the nose. He will go down for a minute.
(10-15-2010, 12:32 PM)ariton Wrote: I'm the best at fighting from my class. I can beat everybody. Just hit the opponent at the head, at the face, at the nose. He will go down for a minute.

Doubt that just by how you say that kinda stuff. Fighting isint half that easy and any real fighter knows that.... you sound like a little pussy that throws hay makers if you just aim for the face and do nothing else.
[Image: psychois21.png]
Smile i could tell a thousand tales in this thread.
Actual numbers are impossible. Prob in the order of 100 street fights.
Many martial arts related ones too. More training however. Not many comps. Under 30 prob.
But all in all crap loads. Used to be something i loved actually.
Nothing better than 2 men trading a few blows.
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I agree DAMINK, im only 14 but im 6'2 and 250 lbs im a preety good fighter MMA style and street fights. I love it but sadly my family / friends disapprove on it unless the other person starts then my friends usually still try and stop me.
[Image: psychois21.png]
(10-14-2010, 05:16 AM)Road Kamelot Wrote: Fighting is for people who aren't smart enough to resolve conflicts without violence.
If not the first then I would assume it's because they don't feel good about themselves and think fighting will get them respect.

Well, some people don't learn 'til they get beaten up.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

i got into my first fight at primary school aged 12, i am a pretty big guy, but this guy was "cool" anyway he scratched me playing football, then he decided to grab my throat, i pushed him away and he starting throwing punches at me, i attempted to back off and just held my gaurd up to protect my face, when he cornered me and there where crowds of people i hit him once in the eye, broke his eye socket. i didnt get in any trouble i was happy Smile
[Image: denassig.png]
Supportforums = MMA forums I guess?
I've been in plenty of fights. Most when i was younger and felt like I had to prove myself to others.
Ever since I got into shape I haven't been in a fight.

Details of my fights don't matter. I'm not necessarily proud. Fighting seems like a good idea until you see your opponent on the ground bleeding and hurt.
I don't feel good as a person afterwords. Only feel good as an animal.
Are you trolling me? I don't care. Your thread may help someone that was too embarrassed to ask.
If they start it and I win then I feel great because it makes me feel like I taught someone to be carefully what they do and say
[Image: psychois21.png]

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