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An Easy Way to Learn Spanish?
Is there a way, in general/abroad, to learn Spanish in a simple way?

(Lets say I don't know anything except for 10 words in the whole language)
[Image: t5BWm.png]
theres no shortcut for hard work, however there may be ways that are unique to you that make it easier for someone such as yourself to learn a language. Smile Find out if you are a visual learner where you have to view things to understand or remember them, or if you can just interpret and learn things based on what you hear, or read. It all plays a role in how you should 'study' the language for the best learning method suitable for you.
Have you tried reading books and watching movies in spanish? I practice my english doing those things (spanish speaker here).
[Image: MpzF8.gif]
I'm not English nor Spanish speaker, but I live in Spain for 4 years now. I can speak and understant Spanish very well. IMHO, thinking in the language that you want to speak is the best way to learn.
I speak french and I lived in south america, groing up. It was easy for me to learn.

AS for you, watch dora the explorer :p

No seriously, use computer ''learn a language'' type software.
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I'm Spanish but I go to an English school. Its best to be taught a language from an early age; you will master it in no time.
Go for the huge online training resources to jump start your language knowledge.
Easiest way is to watch Spanish films.. Or even better, go live in Spain where you are surrounded by the language 24/7... You could pick it up within a month...

I honestly don't think schools these days are very good at teaching languages (At least in England they aren't).. Watching films in Spanish will help you familiarize yourself with the language and you will pick it up..
Well, first you need to coprenhent the words.
When you can manage a conversation. Go head and socialize with the world. Talking spanish is more fluent that writing in spanish.
First you need to learn the basics. Then just get involved with people who speak the language as much as you can. Practice makes perfect.
[Image: 2rrpier.png]

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