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just need some small friendly advice
im doing this anonamously, basicly often i just feel trapped and need to break free. i have small emotional problems nothing serious but theres things that i know i screwd up in and things cant be changed and it haunts me. This girl i was best friends with for a year, i told her i loved her, we fell out soon after because she felt awkward :L, she spoke to me on msn today after about 3-4 months and it felt so emotionless and wrong, it lasted about 3 mins. i often just get a feeling from nowhere that makes me feel sick and angry. Small things or big like this just

But whats worse is i cant exactly go and hang out because i live like 5 miles from anywhere and i cant get a lift because parents work and busy. Weeds a nice distraction but it doesnt last.

This isnt everyday just maybe 1-2 a week, what do you kind of do or would do if you were me? just a bit puzzled.

Thank you
I can't really tell you what to do because I don't really know what I would do myself if I were you.
I know the feeling when you loose your best female friend though, I know it very well.
I would suggest you just write to her more often and maybe become best friends again or even get in a relationship. Maybe.
[Image: 2llbqr4.jpg]
Yeah but this is something i cant change and this is why its bad. Im getting worse and worse. Why should i make the time to bother if nobody else does.
What if she feels the same way ? And after all, you're the man, so man up and start writing to her more often.
[Image: 2llbqr4.jpg]
It seems like the source of this emotion is coming from this girl. She didn't share your feelings and it ended. This wound still seems fresh to you and because you're not hanging out with anyone else it's just playing over and over in your mind.

I really think you should do something to take your mind of things, can you cycle 5 miles? It's not that far...
I've been in this situation before. I'd say that you never got closure. Closure is so important in the ending of, well, anything. I can't stress that enough. I recommenced you tell her how you feel. No matter how difficult it may be to do so, if you let that go, you should feel better. That's my best guess of what you are suffering from.

Your feelings are completely normal.
IMHO i thing we are supposed to feel pain and hurt. There is a reason.
When i was young i did not understand like you dont. But now i am older i do.
People need to feel hurt so they can fully understand love. Love when young is often called Puppy love yes?
Sure its intense. I agree. Hell my first love still has a small place in my heart.
But learn from this.
Understand how much emotions can dictate your life.
When the day comes you meet your next love remember these emotions as they will start to become clouded.
Hurt. (emotional hurt) can hurt far more than physical.
BUT you need to feel the bad to enjoy the good. Understand?
You need to have tasted sour in order to appreciate sweet?
Not sure how to say what i want to say......
Each emotional hurt you go through will make you grow emotionally.
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i had something the same but a bit different and it hurts like hell and makes you want to just give up everything and not treat girls with repsect what so ever Sad

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