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Dad - Alright

you come into my life every once in a while

i dont like you now and i never will so stop bein in denial

sit down and just think of the crap youve done

told me youd be here for me but you turn around and run

you think its ok to come say hey to me after leavin

fudge that i dont have a dad thats what im beleavin

the next time you try to say hey to me dont expect an answer

i dont give a fudge no more even if you had hiv or cancer

the fact i have a brother that ive never seen

just proves to me you aint nothin, i mean

what did you fudge his mom and leave her too

not even show up to see him enter this world beautiful and new

i despise you with everything ive been through

just stay away and go find another girl to please you

no better yet fudge that go live your life in a hole

you dont deserve the life you got be happy you got your soul

cause you aint got nobody not me or my brother

but I thank you for showin me what not to be

not to be a dad that was never there when i needed em

imma give my kids the dad i never had

cause imma never let my kids sittin around bein sad

wonderin why their dad never came around

as soon as im 18 im hittin the road gettin the fudge outta this town

joinin the marines and becomin a man fightin for your freedom

and if i die im dyin proud cause i know im goin to the lords kingdom

Dang man, Hope you make it through
Nice job man, I can tell it really meant a lot to you. Best way to vent some of your feeling is writing it. Sorry about the overall issue you've had. I can't say I understand because my dad is a far greater father then I'd ever wish to be.
Damn man, that hit a heartstring. Good work, damn good work.
This was very touching. The only thing that I would revise would be the incorrect spelling and punctuation. I was still able to read your poem, but using correct spelling and grammar would definitely raise the quality of this piece.
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Wow, tough feelings.

I'm joining the Marines also though, feel free to PM about it if you have questions or just want to talk.
Wow, that was from the heart.

Have you told that to your dad?
Wow. Th at's amazing.
That was great, hope you make it through
Yea I'm fine now Smile thanks.

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