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Fake Anti-virus.
Rogue security software

Rogue security software is a form of computer malware that deceives or misleads users into paying for the fake or simulated removal of malware, or that installs other malware. Rogue security software, in recent years, has become a growing and serious security threat in desktop computing.

Most have a Trojan horse component, which users are misled into installing. The Trojan may be disguised as:

A browser plug-in or extension (typically toolbar).
An image, screensaver or archive file attached to an e-mail message.
Multimedia codec required to play a certain video clip.
Software shared on peer-to-peer networks.
A free online malware scanning service.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

How to avoid rouge security software

1. Do not fall for scare tactics. While browsing sites, be cautious of pop-ups warning you that your system is infected and offering a product to clean it up. Never pay for a program that installed itself to your computer. This is a hallmark of rogue software.

2. Use security software with real-time protection and keep it up-to-date. If you know that you have anti-virus, anti-spyware, and a firewall on your PC, you can safely ignore security alerts you receive that do not come from your chosen security software provider. (Rogue security software will often try to lure computer uses by using legitimate looking pop-up messages that appear to be security alerts.) Also, most anti-malware programs will help keep you protected from rogues because they can detect and remove these programs.

3. Access experts at security forums and ask about the software you are considering before you decide to purchase it.

4. Read the software reviews at reputable sites like Do not blindly trust individual sites offering security products.

5. Ask knowledgeable friends and family members about quality software they use. Keep in mind that when you search for trustworthy security software online, rogue products can, and often do, appear in the search results list.

6. Practice online skepticism. Be aware that rogue security software does exist on the Web, and be vigilant about avoiding it. These programs are designed to appear genuine - meaning they may mimic legitimate programs, use false awards and reviews to rope you in, or employ other deceptive tactics. It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with common phishing scams, and to be cautious of links in e-mail messages and on social networking sites.

-Do NOT go to these sites-

Personal Antivirus — Download SUPER AntiSpyware:

Antivirus System Pro Scareware Sites:

Rogue Antivirus scareware sites:


What do these do, and how do I get them?

A fake antivirus shows up on most scans as Rogue.SecuritySuite or whatever rogue virus it is. The purpose of these is to setup a redirect in your browser, so that if you get rid of it without fixing your browser then you'll get it back.

Anyway -- the Rogue Virus infects your system and installs itself. It locks key programs such as Malware Bytes', HJT, Your internet, Command Prompt, and so on.

Renaming the files that it has locked sometimes unlocks it until it is locked again, allowing you to use it. That'd be a great time to unlock Malware Bytes', turn your internet off, and run a full scan.

THe main purpose of this is to get you to buy the product. When you buy it, the rogue virus uninstalls itself completely and claims it has 'killed' the virus. Most people just reformat or get rid of it nowadays. I don't recommend reformatting, though. I always think finding the virus is easier Tongue

How can you get this?

Many times, real-time hackers will use exploits in Websites to cause users browsing the websites to receive this.

Sometimes you may download a rootkit or a different virus, and the rogue will be installed remotely. It varies.

Common Symptoms:
Well, most people have anti viruses, if you don't I recommend installing one.
When you see a random window popping up saying you have a virus, and you don't think this is your anti virus OPEN TASK MANAGER!
If you can open it, check and see if anything like this is running:

if you ever see that running, END IT!
That is what rogue viruses tend to hide under, random letters.
It'll also go on your startup. I'll make a separate thread for that later.
Well I believe that is about it Tongue

Here is a list of rogue viruses to watch out for:

Advanced Cleaner[22]
AKM Antivirus 2010 Pro[23]
Alpha AntiVirus[25]
ANG Antivirus (knock-off of AVG Anti-virus)
Antimalware Doctor
Antimalware Pro[26]
AntiSpyCheck 2.1[27]
AntiSpyware 2009[29]
Antispyware 2010
AntiSpyware Soft [30]
Antivir Solution Pro [31]
Antivirus 7 [32]
Antivirus Soft [33]
Antivirus Suite [34]
Antivirus System PRO[35]
AntiSpyware Bot from 2Squared Software
AntiSpyware Shield[39]
Antivirus 2008[41]
Antivirus 2009[42]
Antivirus XP 2010[43]
Antivirus 2010 (also known as Anti-virus-1)[44],[45]
Antivirus 360[46]
Antivirus Pro 2009[47]
AntiVirus Gold [48]
Antivirus Live[49],[50]
Antivirus Master[51]
Antivirus XP 2008[52]
Antivirus Pro 2010[53]
AV Security Suite[54]
Avatod Antispyware 8.0[55]
ByteDefender also known as ByteDefender Security 2010 (Knock-off of the legitimate BitDefender Antivirus software)[58]
Control Center[61]
Cyber Security[62]
Data Protection
Defense Center[63]
Desktop Security 2010[64]
Digital Security
Doctor Antivirus[65]
Doctor Antivirus 2008[66]
Dr Guard[68]
eco AntiVirus
Flu Shot 4[71][72] (probably the earliest well-known instance of rogue security software)
Green Antivirus 2009[73]
IE Antivirus (aka IE Antivirus 3.2)[74]
Internet Antivirus (aka Internet Antivirus Pro, distributed by[77]
Internet Security 2010[78],[79]
Live PC Care[81]
Live Security Suite[82]
Malware Bell (a.k.a. Malware Bell 3.2)[87]
Malware Defender (not to be confused with the HIPS firewall of the same name)[88]
Malware Defense
MS Antivirus (not to be confused with Microsoft Antivirus or Microsoft Security Essentials)[89]
MS AntiSpyware 2009 (not to be confused with Microsoft AntiSpyware, now Windows Defender)[90]
My Security Wall[92]
My Security Engine[93]
AV Antivirus Suite[94]
PC Defender Antivirus[95]
MxOne Antivirus[96]
Netcom3 Cleaner[97]
Paladin Antivirus
PC Antispy[99]
PC AntiSpyWare 2010[100]
PC Clean Pro[101]
PC Privacy Cleaner[102]
Perfect Defender 2009[104]
PersonalAntiSpy Free[105]
Personal Antivirus[106]
Personal Security[107]
PAL Spyware Remover[108]
PCPrivacy Tools[109]
PC Antispyware[110]
Protection Center[111]
Privacy Center
Rapid AntiVirus[113]
Real AntiVirus[114]
Registry Great[115]
Safety Alerter 2006[116]
Safety Center
Security Master AV[122]
Security Scan 2009 [123]
Security Tool [124]
Security Toolbar 7.1[125]
Security Essentials 2010 (not to be confused with Microsoft Security Essentials)[126]
Smart Antivirus 2009[127]
Soft Soldier[128]
Spy Away[130]
SpyHeal (a.k.a SpyHeals & VirusHeal)[134]
SpySheriff (a.k.a PestTrap, BraveSentry, SpyTrooper)[137]
SpywareBot (Spybot - Search & Destroy knockoff, Now known as SpywareSTOP).[139]
Spyware Cleaner[140]
SpywareGuard 2008 (not to be confused with SpywareGuard by Javacool Software)[141] [142]
Spyware Protect 2009[143]
SpywareSheriff (often confused with SpySheriff)[145]
Spyware Stormer[146]
Spy Tool
Spyware Striker Pro[147]
Spyware Protect 2009[148]
Sysinternals Antivirus[154]
System Antivirus 2008[155]
System Live Protect[156]
System Security (Rogue Antivirus)[158]
Total Secure 2009[159]
Total Security
Total Win 7 Security
Total Win XP Security
Total Win Vista Security
TheSpyBot (Spybot - Search & Destroy knockoff)[161]
Virus Locker[165]
VirusProtectPro (a.k.a AntiVirGear)[166]
Virus Response Lab 2009[171]
Vista Antispyware 2010[173]
Vista Antivirus 2008[174]
Vista Internet Security 2010
Vista Smart Security 2010
Volcano Security Suite
Win 7 Antivirus 2010
Win 7 Guardian
Win Antispyware Center[175]
WinAntiVirus Pro 2006[176]
WinDefender (not to be confused with the legitimate Windows Defender)[177]
Windows Police Pro[178]
Windows Protection Suite[179]
Winpc Antivirus[182]
Winpc Defender[183]
WinWeb Security 2008
XP AntiMalware
XP AntiMalware 2010
XP AntiSpyware 2009
XP Antivirus 2010
XP Antivirus Pro 2010
XP Guardian
XP Defender Pro
XP Internet Security 2010
XJR Antivirus
XP Security Tool (not to be confused with Security Tool.)
Your Protection
Zinaps AntiSpyware 2008

Complete A-Z Listing of Fake Antivirus

* ANG AntiVirus 09
    * ASC-AntiSpyware
    * Ad Butcher
    * AdArmor
    * AdDriller
    * AddwareRemover
    * Addwere
    * Ad-Eliminator
    * AdEradicator
    * AdFlusher
    * Ad-Protect
    * AdProtector
    * Ad-Purge Adware & Spyware Remover
    * ADS Adware Remover
    * Ads Alert
    * AdScrub
    * AdStriker
    * AdsZapper
    * Advanced Antivirus
    * Advanced Spyware Detect
    * Advanced Spyware Remover
    * Advanced Virus Remover
    * Virus Remover Professional
    * AdvancedCleaner
    * AdvancedXPDefender
    * AdvancedXPFixer
    * Adware & Spyware Firewall
    * Adware Agent
    * Adware Bazooka
    * Adware Butcher
    * Adware Cops
    * Adware Filter
    * Adware Hitman
    * Adware Punisher
    * Adware Remover
    * Adware Remover Gold
    * Adware Sheriff
    * AdWare SpyWare Blocker & Removal
    * Adware Striker
    * Adware/Spyware Remover
    * AdwareAlert
    * AdwareBlaster
    * AdwareBlocker
    * AdwareCatch
    * AdwareCatcher
    * AdwareCheck
    * AdwareChecker
    * AdwareCleaner
    * AdwareCrusher
    * AdwareDelete
    * AdwareDeluxe
    * AdwareDestroyer
    * AdwareDetect
    * AdwareEradicator
    * AdwareEraser
    * AdwareFinder
    * AdwareFlush
    * AdwareFlusher
    * AdwareGuard
    * AdwareGuardian
    * AdwareHunter
    * AdwareInspector
    * Adware-Nuker
    * AdwarePatrol
    * AdwarePolice
    * AdwarePro
    * AdwarePunisher
    * AdwareRemover
    * AdwareSafe
    * AdwareSafety
    * AdwareSanitizer
    * AdwareScanner
    * AdwareScrub
    * AdwareScrubber
    * AdwareSheriff
    * AdwareShield
    * AdwareShredder
    * AdwareSpy
    * AdwareSquash
    * AdwareSquasher
    * AdwareStopper
    * AdwareStriker
    * AdwareSweep
    * AdwareSweeper
    * AdwareTerminator
    * AdwareTools
    * AdwareWasher
    * AdwareWatch
    * AdwareWipe
    * AdwareX
    * AdwareX Eliminator
    * AdwareZapper
      AdWare Pro 2009
    * AVCare
    * AVSystemCare
    * Awola
    * Ad-Where 2005
    * Agent Spyware
    * Barracuda Antivirus
    * BazookaBar
    * BestGuardPlatinum
    * BestsellerAntivirus
    * BlockDefense
    * Botsquash
    * BPS Security Console
    * BPS Spyware & Adware Remover
    * BPS Spyware Remover
    * BraveSentry
    * BreakSpyware
    * BugsDestroyer
    * BugDoctor
    * DataHealer
    * DefenseAntiMalware
    * Defenza
    * Deus Cleaner
    * DIARemover
    * DioCleaner
    * DiscErrorFree
    * DisqudurProtection
    * Doctor Adware
    * Doctor Adware Pro
    * Doctor Alex
    * Doctor Antivirus 2008
    * DoctorAdwarePro
    * DoctorCleaner
    * DoctorVaccine
    * DrAntispy
    * Draze Toolbar
    * DriveCleaner
    * DriveCleaner 2006
    * DrProtection
    * Evidence Eliminator
    * Evidence Eraser Pro
    * ExpertAntivirus
    * eXPress Antivirus 2009
    * Extra Antivir
    * E-Wall Antivirus
    * Extra Antivirus
    * eXPress Antivirus
    * EZVideo
    * ESpywareRemover
    * ESpywareScanner


    * AgentSpyware
    * AGuardDog Adware/Spyware Remover
    * AGuardDog Suite
    * AlertSpy
    * AlfaCleaner
    * Anti Virus Pro
    * AntieSpiaDorado
    * AntieSpionsPack
    * AntiGusanos2008
    * AntiMalware 2009
    * AntiMalwareSuite
    * AntiMalwareGuard
    * AntiRogue Killer (AntiRogueKiller)
    * AntiSpionage
    * AntiSpionagePro
    * AntiSpy
    * AntiSpy Advanced
    * Antispy Protector 2009
    * AntiSpyBoss
    * AntiSpyCheck
    * AntiSpyGolden
    * AntiSpyGuard
    * AntiSpyKit
    * AntiSpyPro
    * AntispySpider
    * AntiSpyStorm
    * AntiSpyStorm2008
    * Antispyware 2008 XP (Antispyware2008XP)
    * Antispyware3000
    * AntiSpyware 3000
    * Anti-Spyware Blocker
    * Antispyware Expert
    * Antispyware PRO XP
    * Antispyware Pro 2009
    * AntiSpyware Protector
    * AntiSpyware Soldier
    * Antispyware Suite
    * AntiSpywareBot
    * AntiSpywareControl
    * AntiSpywareDeluxe
    * Antispywareexpert
    * AntiSpywareGuard
    * AntiSpywareMaster
    * AntiSpywareShield
    * AntiSpywareSuite
    * AntiSpywareUpdates
    * AntiSpywareXP 2009
    * AntiSpyZone
    * AntiThiefWare
    * AntiVer2008
    * AntiVermeans
    * AntiVermins
    * AntiVerminser
    * Antivir64
    * AntivirDoc
    * AntiVirGear
    * AntiVirProtect
    * Antivirus 2008 PRO
    * Antivirus 2008 XP (Antivirus2008XP)
    * Antivirus 2009
    * Antivirus 2009 Plus
    * Antivirus 2010
    * Antivirus 360
    * AntivirusBest
    * Anti-Virus and Spyware
    * Anti-Virus and Trojan
    * Antivirus ’09
    * Antivirus 360
    * Antivirus Agent Pro
    * AntivirusTrigger
    * Antivirus Email
    * AntiVirus Gold
    * AntiVirus Golden
    * AntiVirus Lab 2009
    * Antivirus Master (AV Master)
    * Anti-Virus Number 1
    * Antivirus Plasma
    * Antivirus Plus
    * Antivirus Pro 2009 AntivirusPro 2009
    * AntiVirus Protector
    * Antivirus Protection
    * Antivirus System Pro
    * Antivirus Security
    * Antivirus Sentry
    * Antivirus Solution
    * Antivirus XP 2008 (AntivirusXP2008)
    * Antivirus XP Pro
    * Antivirus XP Pro 2009
    * AntiVirusAdvance
    * AntivirusForAll
    * AntivirusGold
    * AntiVirusPCSuite
    * AntivirusTrigger
    * AntiWorm2008
    * AntiWurm2008
    * AnyCleaner
    * ArmorWall
    * Astrum Antivirus Pro
    * AV Antispyware
    * CheckFlow CheckSpy & Anti Spyware 2005
    * CleanerMaster
    * CleanX
    * CoffeeCup Spyware Remover
    * Computer Defender 2009
    * Consumer Identity
    * ContentEraser
    * ContraVirus
    * Contraviro
    * Copperhead AntiSpyware
    * CryptDrive
    * CurePcSolutions Anti-Spyware
    * CyberDefender
    * eAcceleration/Veloz Stop-Sign
    * EAdwareKiller
    * EAdwareRemoval
    * EAdwareRemover
    * EAntiSpyware
    * eAntivirusPro
    * Easy Erase Spyware Remover
    * Easy SpyRemover
    * Easy Spyware Killer
    * Easy Spyware Scanner
    * EasySprinter
    * Elimiware
    * Emco Malware Bouncer
    * ErrClean
    * Error Doctor 2008
    * Error Fix (ErrorFix)
    * Error Fixer
    * Error Scan and Fix
    * ErrorDigger
    * ErrorDoctor
    * ErrorInspector
    * ErrorKiller
    * ErrorNuker
    * ErrorProtector
    * ErrorSafe
    * ESpywareBlocker
    * ESpywareDefender
    * ESpywareKiller
    * ESpywareRemoval
    * ETD Security Scanner

Fake Antivirus Softwares List 2 – F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q & R.

    * Fast Antivirus 09 (FastAntivirus 09)
    * FastCleaner
    * Files Secure 2.2
    * FileFix
    * Filterprogram
    * FiltroDeTrojan
    * Fix Registry Errors
    * FixerAntispy
    * Fixiter
    * Fix Tool
    * Flobo Free Anti Spyware Clean
    * Flobo Spyware Clean
    * Free Spyware Adware Scanner and Remover
    * AntiSpyware
    * Froggie Scan
    * FullSystemProtection
    * GarbageClean
    * General Antivirus
    * GoldenAntiSpy
    * GoodbyeSpy
    * GuardBar
    * GuardCenter
    * Guard-X 2009
    * HardDiskVakt
    * HDriveSweeper
    * HitSpy
    * HitVirus
    * HomeAntivirus 2009
    * Home Antivirus 2010
    * IC Spyware Scanner
    * IE AntiVirus
    * IE Defender
    * IE-Security
    * IHateAdware
    * InfeStop
    * Intelinet Anti-Spyware
    * Intelligent Spyware Cleaner
    * Internet Antivirus
    * Internet Cleanup
    * InternetAntiSpy
    * InternetShield
    * iSpyKiller
    * iSafe AntiVirus
    * JC Spyware Remover & Adware Killer
    * NadadeVirus
    * Nano Antivirus
    * NeoSpace
    * Neospace Internet Security
    * NetBrowserPro
    * Netcom3 Cleaner
    * NetPumper
    * NetSpyProtector
    * NoAdware
    * No-Spy / Sin-Espías ** (ver nota 1)
    * NoSpyX
    * NoWayVirus
    * Online Privacy Pro
    * OnlineGuard
    * OrantieSpion
    * OSBOdyGuard
    * Oxford Spyware Remover
    * Page Cannot Be Displayed
    * PAL Emergency Response
    * PAL Spyware Remover
    * PAntispyware09
    * PC AdWare SpyWare Removal
    * PC Antispyware 2010
    * PC Defender 2008
    * PC Error Eliminator
    * PC Security 2009
    * PC Health Plan
    * PC Protection Center 2008
    * Pc-Antispyware
    * PCArmor
    * PCAntiMalware
    * Pc-Cleaner
    * PCCleaner 2007
    * pcOrion
    * PCPrivacyCleaner
    * PCPrivacyDefender
    * PcSecureSystem
    * PCSleek Error Cleaner
    * PCVirusless
    * Perfect Defender 2009
    * PerfectCleaner
    * PerformanceOptimizer
    * Personal Antivirus
    * Personal Defender 2009
    * PestBot
    * PestCapture
    * Pest-Patrol
    * PestProtector
    * PestSweeper
    * PestTrap
    * PestWiper
    * PornoPlayer
    * Power Antivirus 2009
    * Privacy Center
    * Privacy Champion
    * Privacy Commander
    * Privacy Components
    * Privacy Crusader
    * Privacy Defender
    * Privacy Fusion
    * Privacy Keeper
    * Privacy Redeemer


    * KaZaaP
    * Keep Your Privacy
    * KeineGefahr
    * KillAllSpyware
    * KillAndClean
    * KillSpy
    * KnowHowProtection
    * KVMSecureis
    * LastDefender
    * LiveAntispy
    * LiveKill
    * LiveProtect
    * LiveProtection
    * MacroAV
    * MagicAntispy
    * Malware Bell
    * Malware Catcher
    * Malware Scanner
    * Malware Stopper
    * MalwareAlarm
    * MalwareBot
    * MalwareBurn
    * MalwareCore
    * MalwareCleaner
    * MalwareDestructor
    * Malware Defender 2009
    * Malware Destructor
    * MalwareDoc
    * Malware Doctor
    * MalwarePatrol Pro
    * MalwarePro
    * MalwareProtector 2008
    * MalwareScanner
    * MalwareStopper
    * MalwaresWipeds
    * MalwareWar
    * MalwareWipe
    * MalwareWipe Pro
    * MalwareWiped
    * MalwareWiper
    * Malwarrior
    * MalWhere
    * Max Privacy Protector
    * MaxNetShield (MNS Spyware Remover & History Eraser)
    * MenaceRescue
    * MenaceSecure
    * MicroAntivirus (Micro Antivirus 2009)
    * MS Antivirus
    * MS Antispyware 2009
    * Mr.AntiSpy
    * My Supervisor
    * My Privacy
    * MyBugFreePc
    * MyNetProtector
    * MyPCTuneUp
    * MySpyFreePC
    * MySPyProtector
    * RapidAntivirus
    * Rapid Antivirus 2009
    * RaptorDefence
    * RazeSpyware
    * Real AdWareRemoverGold
    * Real AntiSpyware
    * Real Antivirus
    * Real Antivirus
    * RealAV
    * RebrandSoft AdwareSpyware Remover
    * RegFreeze
    * RegFix Pro
    * RegTool
    * RegistryFox
    * Registry Cleaner
    * Registry Defender Platinum
    * Registry Doc 2006
    * Registry Doctor
    * Registry Doctor 2008
    * Registry Fix It
    * Registry Optimizer 2007
    * Registry Repair 2006
    * RegistryCare
    * RegistryCleanerXP
    * RegistryCleanFixer
    * RemedyAntiSpy
    * RemoveIT Pro
    * Renus 2008
    * RescateDeAmenazas
    * Restore My Files
    * QuickCleaner
    * PrivacyRedeemer
    * PrivacyWatcher
    * ProAntiSpy
    * Pro Antispyware 2009
    * Protection System
    * Protect Your Identity
    * ProtectingTool
    * PSGuard
    * PureSafetyHere
    * PurityScan / PuritySweep
    * PyroAntiSpy 2.2
    * PrivacyCrusader
    * PrivacyGuardPro
    * PrivacyProtector
    * Privacy Tools 2004
    * Privacy Tools Pack
    * Privacy Protection Suite

Fake Antivirus Softwares List 3 – S, T, U, V, W, X, Y & Z.

    * Safe & Clean (Scan & Clean)
    * SafeAndClean
    * Safeguard 2009
    * SafePcTool
    * SaferScan
    * SafeStrip
    * SafetyCenter
    * SafeWebSurfer
    * SamuraiSpy
    * SaveDefense
    * SaveKeep
    * SaveSoldier
    * Scan & Repair Utilities 2006
    * Scan and Repair Utilities 2007
    * ScanSpyware
    * Scumware-Remover
    * SearchAndDestroy
    * Secure Expert Cleaner
    * Secret Service
    * SecureMyPC
    * Security 2009
    * Security Mechanic
    * Security Central
    * Security iGuard
    * Security Scanner 2008
    * SiteTicket
    * SlimShield
    * Smart Antivirus 2009 (SmartAntivirus2009)
    * SmartSecurity
    * Smart Defender Pro
    * Smart Protector
    * Smart Virus Eliminator
    * Smitfraud
    * SmitfraudFixTool
    * SpamBlockerUtility
    * SpamBlockerUtility
    * SpwareRemoval
    * SpwareRemover
    * Spy Analyst
    * Spy Annihilator
    * Spy Cleaner Platinum
    * Spy Crusher
    * Spy Defence
    * Spy Detector
    * Spy Emergency 2005
    * Spy Guardian Pro
    * Spy iBlock
    * Spy Officer
    * Spy Reaper
    * Spy Shredder
    * Spy Sniper
    * Spy Sniper Pro
    * Spy Sniper Pro
    * Spy Stalker
    * Spy-Ad Exterminator Pro
    * SpyAdvanced
    * SpyAssassin
    * SpyAssault
    * SpyAway
    * SpyAxe
    * SpyBan
    * SpyBeware
    * SpyBlast
    * Spy-Block
    * SpyBlocs/
    * SpyBouncer
    * SpyBurn
    * SpyBuster
    * SpyButcher
    * SpyClean
    * SpyCleaner
    * SpyContra
    * Spy-Control
    * SpyCrush
    * SpyCut
    * SpyDawn
    * SpyDeface
    * SpyDeleter
    * SpyDemolisher
    * SpyDestroy Pro
    * SpyDevastator
    * SpyDoctor
    * SpyEliminator
    * SpyFalcon
    * SpyFerret
    * SpyFighter
    * SpyFighterPro
    * SpyFirewall
    * SpyFlusher
    * SpyGuarder
    * SpyGuardian Pro
    * SpyHazard
    * SpyHeal
    * SpyHunter
    * SpyiBlock
    * SpyiKiller
    * Spyinator
    * Spy-Kill
    * SpyKiller
    * SpyKiller 2005
    * SpyKillerPro
    * SpyLax
    * SpyLocked
    * SpyMarshal
    * SpyMaxx
    * SpyNoMore
    * SpyOfficer
    * SpyOnThis
    * SpyOnThis
    * Spy-Out
    * SpyProtector Spy Protector
    * SpyPry
    * SpyReaper
    * SpyRemover
    * Spy-Rid
    * SpySanitizer
    * SpySheriff
    * SpyShield
    * Spy-SHield
    * SpyShredder
    * SpySnipe
    * SpySoap
    * SpySoldier
    * SpySpotter
    * SpySquash
    * SpyStriker
    * SpyToaster
    * SpyTrooper
    * SpyVampire
    * SpyVest
    * SpyViper
    * Spyware & Adware Removal
    * Spyware & Pest Remover
    * Spyware & Pop-Up Utility
    * Spyware Annihilator
    * Spyware Annihilator Pro
    * Spyware B1aster
    * Spyware Bomber
    * Spyware C.O.P.
    * Spyware Catch
    * Spyware Cleaner
    * Spyware Cleaner & Pop-Up Blocker
    * Spyware Cops
    * Spyware Defense
    * Spyware Destroyer
    * Spyware Detector
    * Spyware Disinfector
    * Spyware Fighter
    * Spyware Guard 2008
    * Spyware Guard 2009
    * Spyware Hospital
    * Spyware Immobilizer
    * Spyware IT
    * SpyWare Killer
    * Spyware Knight
    * Spyware Medic
    * Spyware Nuker
    * Spyware Nuker XT
    * Spyware Protect 2009
    * Spyware Protection Pro
    * Spyware Quake
    * Spyware Removal Wizard
    * Spyware Remover (
    * Spyware Remover (SpyAdvanced)
    * Spyware Scrapper
    * SpyWare Secure
    * Spyware Seizer
    * Spyware Sheriff
    * Spyware Shield
    * Spyware Slayer
    * Spyware Sledgehammer
    * Spyware Snooper
    * Spyware Soft Stop
    * Spyware Stormer
    * Spyware Striker Pro
    * Spyware Suite 2005
    * Spyware Terminator 4 (de
    * Spyware Vanisher
    * Spyware Wizard
    * SpywareAnnihilatorPro
    * SpywareAssassin
    * SpywareAvenger
    * SpywareBeGone
    * SpywareBomb
    * SpywareStop
    * Spyware-Stop
    * SpywareStrike
    * Spyware-Sweeper
    * SpywareSweeperPro
    * SpywareBot
    * SpywareButcher
    * SpywareCleaner
    * SpywareCrusher
    * SpywareDetector
    * SpywareFlusher
    * SpywareHeal
    * SpywareHound
    * SpywareIsolator


    * SpywareKill
    * SpywareKilla
    * SpywareKnight
    * SpywareLocked
    * SpywareLocker
    * SpywareNo!
    * SpywarePolice
    * SpywarePro
    * SPYwareRemover
    * SpywareRemover 2009
    * SpywareScanner 2008
    * SpywareScrub
    * Spyware-Secure
    * SpywareSeeker
    * SpywareShield
    * SpywareSoftStop
    * SpywareSquash
    * SpywareSterilizer
    * SpywareTek / Spyware Removal System
    * SpywareThis
    * SpywareWipe
    * SpywareXP
    * SpywareZapper
    * SpyWatchE
    * SpyWiper
    * Spyzooka
    * StartGuard
    * StopGuard
    * StopingSpy
    * StopItBlockIt 2005
    * StorageProtector
    * SunShine Spy
    * SunShineSpy
    * Super Spyware Remover
    * SuperSpywareKiller
    * SwiftCleaner
    * SysAntivirus 2009
    * SysKontroller
    * SysProtect
    * System Antivirus 2008
    * System Detective
    * System doctor
    * System Live Protect
    * System Tuner
    * System Protector
    * SystemBooster2009
    * SystemDefender
    * SystemDoctor
    * SystemErrorFixer
    * SystemSecurity
    * System Guard 2009
    * System Guard Center
    * System Security 2009
    * SystemStable
    * Terminexor
    * Terminator 2009
    * The Adware Hunter
    * The SpyGuard
    * The Spyware Detective
    * The Spyware Shield
    * The Ultimate Spyware Adware Remover
    * The Web Shield
    * TheSpyBot
    * TheSpywareKiller
    * Titan AntiSpyware
    * TitanShield AntiSpyware
    * TeoSoft Anti-Spyware
    * Total Defender
    * Total Secure2009
    * Total Security
    * Total Protect 2009
    * Total Virus Protection
    * Top10Reviews SpyScan
    * Trojan Guarder Gold
    * TrojanerFilter
    * TrojansFilter
    * TrojansFiltre
    * TrojansKiller
    * Trace Sweeper (TraceSweeper)
    * True Sword
    * TrueWatch
    * Trust Cleaner
    * TrustNinja
    * TrustedAntivirus
    * TrustedProtection
    * TrustSoft AntiSpyware
    * TZ Spyware Adware Remover
    * TZ Spyware Remover
    * UControl
    * Ultimate Antivirus 2008
    * Ultimate Cleaner
    * Ultimate Defender
    * Ultimate Fixer
    * UltimateCleaner
    * UltimateCleaner 2007
    * Ultimatefixer2007
    * Ultimate-Spyware Adware Remover
    * Ultra Antivir 2009
    * Ultra Antivirus 2009
    * Unigray
    * Unvirex
    * UnSpyPC
    * VBouncer/AdDestroyer
    * Vip Antispyware
    * VIPAntiSpyware
    * VirusAlarma
    * VirusBlast
    * VirusBlaster
    * VirusBlasters
    * VirusBurst
    * VirusBursters
    * VirusEffaceur
    * VirusGuard
    * VirusHeal
    * Virus-Kill
    * VirusMelt
    * VirusLocker
    * VirusProtect
    * VirusProtectPro 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 3.7
    * VirusRanger
    * VirusRay
    * VirusRescue
    * VirusRemover 2009
    * VirusResponse Lab 2009
    * Virusschlacht
    * Virus Shield
    * Virus Sweeper
    * VirusTrigger
    * Vista Antivirus 2008 (VistaAntivirus 2008)
    * Vitae Antivirus
    * Virus Doctor
    * WareOut Spyware Remover
    * WinBlueSoft
    * WiniBlueSoft
    * WiniShield
    * WiniFighter
    * WiniGuard
    * WinCleaner 2009
    * WebSafe Spyware Secure
    * WebSpyShield
    * Win Antivir 2008 (WinAntivir 2008)
    * WinAntiSpyware 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008
    * WinAntispyware 2008
    * WinAntivirus 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008
    * WinAntiVirus Pro 2006
    * Winantivirus pro 2007
    * WinAntivirusVista-XP
    * Wincleaner AntiSpyware
    * WinDefender 2009
    * Windows AntiVirus (Windows AntiVirus 2008)
    * Windows Antivirus Pro
    * Windows Security Suite
    * Windows System Suite
    * Windows Protection Suite
    * WinFix Master
    * WinFixer
    * WinFixer 2005
    * WinFixMaster / WinFix Master
    * Winhound Spyware Remover
    * Winkeeper
    * WinPC Antivirus
    * WinPC Defender
    * WinPerformance
    * WinProtector 3.8 (Win Protector 3.8)
    * Winreanimator
    * winsecureav
    * WinSecureAv
    * WinSecureDisc
    * WinSOS
    * WinSpyControl
    * WinSpyKiller
    * WinSpywareProtect
    * Winweb Security
    * WinX Security Center 2.2
    * WinXDefender
    * Winxprotector
    * WorldAntiSpy
    * X-Con Spyware Destroyer
    * Xmembytes AntiSpyware
    * XP Antispyware 2009
    * XP Antivirus (XP Antivirus 2008)
    * XP Deluxe Protector
    * XP Protector 2009
    * XP Police Antivirus
    * XPAntivirus
    * XpyBurner
    * XpCleanerPro
    * XpCleanerPro
    * XPert Antivirus
    * XP-Shield
    * X-Spyware
    * Xspyware
    * XSRemover
    * XXXAccess
    * YourPrivacyGuard
    * ZeroSpyware
    * ZoneProtect AntiSpyware
    * Zinaps Anti-Spyware

Credits to ReaLiTy & myself
Someone with no history is nothing but suspicious.
Great compilation of rogue anti-virus websites. They can be quite a pain to get rid of them if you don't know how!

Good share. Smile
OP will you be mad if I upload mine from a different site?

I forgot to put it here, I'll give you extra info for this if you give me creddiez :d

Nice job on the sites listed though.
(08-03-2010, 07:26 PM)Sexy Wrote: OP will you be mad if I upload mine from a different site?

I forgot to put it here, I'll give you extra info for this if you give me creddiez :d

Nice job on the sites listed though.

Yes, sure.
Someone with no history is nothing but suspicious.
Yup nice post. Keep updating it mate to keep this alive. Good thread.
The Rules!
FTW Forum <-- Home of the Damned! --> Join me On MM

Updated* How to avoid rouge security software.
Someone with no history is nothing but suspicious.
Update* Rouge viruses - From ReaLiTy.
Someone with no history is nothing but suspicious.
Thanks for the credits Smile
Thanks for this information.
Thanks for this very nice tutorial. It is helpful.

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