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My internet is over
Hi there! I'm trinit writing from my dad shop.
My internet is down! The phone company says that monday afternoon they will call me to fix it.
While i'm away there is skate and shadows =)

Play it nice!

- Trinit
im sure we will all miss you
[Image: xpdeg7.png]
Alright man. We'll take care of the forum =). Be back soon!!! Smile
It's already monday here so I hope they fix it today
they have to call me today afternoon
Okay tri, good luck ! Smile
The company wanted to send me a guy but i said no b/c it costs so much. Anyway i found the problem: The modem doesn't work anymore!
So I told to my company to send me another one (telling em that I can't turn on it XD)
Anyway now i'm using a modem of my neighbor! He lent me it!
Like tomorrow or into 2 days i will have my modem and my wireless.

That's the story
Lol. When my internet went down it was my lines >.>. Rusty and full of water.
i will come back maybe monday :S

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