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iphone/ipod jailbreak 3g,3gs
Ok this is to clear up all the myths about jail breaking and to also serve as a guide for those who want to.I think it is important for you all also to know that this is not a tethered jailbreak meaning when you turn off or reboot your phone you loose the jailbreak. This is a permanent one unless you restore your device. First make sure that you really want to go through with this. Sometimes there are problems while doing this such as getting stuck at the boot screen, home screen, or the ipod/iphone keeps loading at the boot screen.

Ok so now you are ready. First thing you need to do is to open up itunes and plug your phone to the computer. From itunes click your devices name. Once you are at this screen you will see some options. Update>restore. What we want to click is restore. This is because if anything happens to your phone during the jailbreaking process, your original settings can be restored. After you have backed up everything allow your phone to sync.

Next you will need to head over to a website named . This is when the actual jailbreaking begins. Scroll down on the site and download the application for either windows or mac. Once it is downloaded open it up. You should see a box appear that says make it rain. Click that box. The next thing you may notice is that itunes acts a little crazy. Just close out the itune boxes that appear. Trust me you are safe. Your iphone should now be entering recovery mode...... From there you will see a loading screen. Just wait for your iphone to reboot. Once you are back in your iphone look for a new app named Blackra1n. From Blackra1in download cydia.Cydia is important because it allows you to download themes, hacks, games, etc. After Cydia has been downloaded you are done. Now that wasn't so hard, was it? If you find my tutorials helpful please donate to my paypal
Teathering depends on the device, not the jailbreak.
Blackra1n will teather any iPhone 3G made after the 45th week, as well as any 3rd gen iPod touch.
Extasey again you are wrong. You think if i I have an iphone 3g I would risk tethering it.NO!. It works for iphone 3g but not ipod 3g. Damn Extasey learn your material, I've done this jailbreak twice no problems. Once for me and another time for a friend.

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