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Site gone wrong [HELP]

I had a blog with one post. Tried installing a forum for that blog, succeeded at installing the forum, failed at maintaining the blog.

The blog had just one post lol but now it doesn't work. Nor do the categories I had created.

Btw, I know categories aren't visible until you post something on them but I proved the one that's visible and it doesn't work. Also the post does appear but it shows an error when you click on it.

Site (blog):
Site (forum):

Thanks in advanced.
[Image: zKqkz.png]
Looks like it's been removed by for malicious content.
Superman I am here to rescue you.
This is Support Forums not Support PMs.  Do not PM me for support unless it's private and site related.
Looks like it's working for me...?
MyBB Support team member.
[Image: smallsig.png]
Dammit, I thought you where having troubles with your forum, then I read the post properly.

I posted on your forum BTW.
I also suggest a shorter name for your blog and forum. Little hard to get your tongue. Maybe just E&A Forums, with the full title as the tagline?
Try re-installing. I had a problem like this once and that fixed it.
Malicious content? Weird, "Hello and Welcome" was the only post it had.

Extasey and Firestar, I'll try both Smile


Edit: Well it's working now. I had messed the permalinks up. Thanks to all I do feel a bit noobish now Smile
[Image: zKqkz.png]

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