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Asking her to prom without making it seem that I want to go out with her.
Now don't get me wrong. I really do want to go out with her, but I need something to lead up to it first. So I think taking her to prom would be great. Our prom isn't until april-ish so I'm probably not gonna ask her for a few more weeks.

The thing is I want to ask her in a "cool" way. Not something blown out of proportion. I had a stupid idea earlier, she asks me for gum occasionally. So I was going to write "Prom?" on the inside of a wrapper so when she asked me she'd see it. The idea seems weird now but like I said I want to do something "cute" or whatever. Again though, I don't want her to think that I'm asking her out at the same time.

Any ideas?
Doing something like the 'gum' trick will seem to her like you want to go out with her.
Seriously, if she wants to go out with you, it'll be a lot harder. But just casually walk up to her and explain.
That should help. It's what my friend did in the same situation.
Don't try something like that, it could blow everything. If I were you in that situation I'd simply ask up front instead of trying subtly, it could backfire on you.
Just ask her if she wants to go just as friends.
Well I can't quote him, but the above poster has the right idea.
I would not ask her in a fancy way if you want her to think its just a friendly notion. As everyone else has stated, you should just be very sincere and straight forward. Tell her that you would like to take her to prom as just friends. Maybe during or after prom you can let her know how much you enjoyed your time with her and maybe hint at more.
That's also good advice.

Protip: don't say "I love you" on the first date. Akward...

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